Ocean Sound This Week No.109: Programme 109 of a weekly news and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.109: Programme 109 of a weekly news and sports review
Transmission details
27 Nov 1988 at 19:00
OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO.109 Programme 109 of a weekly news and sports review called OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK; broadcast by independent radio station OCEAN SOUND on 27th November 1988. Presented by PETE WARDMAN. 00:01-01:15 - INTRODUCTION. 01:17-04:12 - Relatives have discovered that the house of ELAINE SIMPSON, a 40 year old disabled women who died recently, had been burgled. SGT. STEVE LAWRENCE, from Cowes Police, tells STEVE GATES, of how mean the crime had been. 04:29-09:15 - Uproar took place at the enquiry about the new George Street Car park in Ryde. MAURICE BARTON of I.O.W. C.C. criticizes Medina Borough Council. 09:12-12:09 - Southampton grandmother, ELSIE ASHFORD, has been re-united with her brother after 81 years. They were brought back together by the efforts of the Salvation Army and her son BRIAN ASHFORD. 13:09-16:34 - The Chief Constable of Sussex, Roger Birch, feels that he is fighting a losing battle in being allocated enough manpower to meet the rise in crime. 16:37-21:10 - Report by GUY HORNSBY on the position of the Falkland Islands, 6 years after the war. Gen. EDWARD FURSEDON tells how he thinks that the islands will never be the same again. 21:12-23:05 - A safe haven for battered wives is being provided on the I.O.W. LESLEY WRIGHT talks to the I.O.W. programme about the increase in wife beating. 23:21-27:45 - Beaujolais Nouveau event. Macon to Southampton run ended at the Royal Southampton Yacht Club at Ocean Village. Ten men Macon to raise money for Gt. Ormond Street Hospital. JAMIE GORDON reports. 28:40-37:10 - REVIEW OF THIS WEEK’S NEWS and SPORTS presented by JOHN MCINTYRE. 38:12-42:13 - GUY HORNSBY learns from historian JASPER RIDLEY what it was like to be a commoner in Tudor times and also about HENRY VIII; MARY TUDOR and ELIZABETH. 42:15-46:12 - Network Chart Music Survey. No. 1 ROBIN BECK - FIRST TIME. 45:42-48:42 - CLOSING ANNOUNCMENT and MUSIC. [Box 11]
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Track 4- Music at 5-8 mins. Track 5- Reference to split TX from 4 Dec 1988. Track 6 is programme trail.
Misc. notes
15:01 mins, Track 2, 9:08 mins, Track 3; 1:00 mins, Track 5, 0:30 sec, Track 6; Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Guy Hornsby; Jamie Gordon; John McIntyre; Steve Gates
Pete Wardman
Maurice Barton; Elaine Simpson; Steve Lawrence; Edward Fursedon; Lesley Wright; Jasper Ridley

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This record has been viewed 1048 times.