Ocean Sound’s First Birthday features

Ocean Sound’s First Birthday features
Transmission details
11 Oct 1987
Ocean Sound’s First Birthday features. Track 2- Ref to opening of Ocean Sound in Dec 1986. Many topics also featured in AV35/OSTW programmes. Other cross-references are:- trk 2 - AV35/PC1-3/S1; track 8- AV35/E87/R1-3/S1; track 18 - AV35/OSEFH/S1 and AV35/OSWFH/S1. Hello... I am Chris Carnegy... and it was on a Sunday much like this Sunday... one year ago today, that I, with forty-odd new friends, found myself, with my heart racing, in this very radio studio. We were making history, we knew that, but one year on we can still hardly believe how very special the thing we created turned out to be. For the next three hours, join me on a whistlestop journey through the most breathless year imaginable, as we begin to say. TRACK 1- David Lucas is managing director here at Ocean Sound. One year on, how does he judge its success? TRACK 2- Prince Charles - December the first 1986 saw the official opening of Ocean Sound by His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. It was the first time a radio station had been opened by a member of the Royal family. Ocean Sound newsman Guy Phillips found himself reporting literally on our own doorstep. TRACK 3- Phillip Pollock is the hairman of Ocean Sound, the man, in fact, who led the team that won our licence to broadcast in the first place. There were times when - by his own confession - he could scarcely believe the project, which seemed to be so very ambitious, could ever happen, but a year on, with the sweet smell of success very much in the air, here is how Phillip judges our achievements... quite considerable. TRACK 4- Snowline - Mid-january saw the Ocean Sound area, and indeed the rest of the country, plunge into sub-zero temperatures and a lot of snow. We set up a 24 hour service telling you where the trouble spot were and how to avoid them. Now, I must have drawn the short straw, because I was out and about with the radio car reporting on the various difficulties caused by the snow. In this report for Jim Hick’s morning programme - on Ocean Sound East - I was at Stakes Hill in Waterloovill speaking with Terry Ladlow. He is Head-master at Holbert Middle School, what had made him decide to close the school? TRACK 5- Give a child a chance - The weekend of April the 25 and 26 was a very special one in the history of Ocean Sound, because that was when we staged our first charity appeal - Give a Child a Chance has already helped many disadvanted children in the area, and all due to your generosity. With this report, from April, J P, and Matt Hopper. TRACK 6- Pompey promotion - Back in the big time. On May 10, Portsmouth Guildhall Square was overflowing with Pompey fans... the reason? Promotion to the 1st division. On the previous tuesday, their triumphant return to Division 1 had been sealed by arch-rivals Oldham losing 2-0 at Shrewsbury. After 28 years, Alan Ball’s team were back - Here is Guy Phillips. TRACK 7- Queen visit - God save the Queen. On May 13, Pompey Guildhall Square was once again packed to the brim with people, but for a very different reason this time! The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh came down to join in the celebrations for Australia’s bicentennery. The re-enactment of the first fleet’s sailing should culminate in their arrival in Sydney Harbour during January 1988. With a report from May this year, Jane Hill. TRACK 8- Election 1987 - Good to my constituents -June 11th, was of course, the General Election and showed Ocean Sound at its best. We had reporters at all the counts, and believe me, the newsroom was buzzing with activity as the results came in. Mark Flanagan and Gordon Fowards presented the special election programme with half-hourly news bulletin to tell the sleepless voters in the Ocean Sound area, just how the situation looked. Chris Rider was reporting the fortunes of the few parties through the hours of darkness. TRACK 9- Warrior - HMS Warrior came home to Portsmouth on June 16th, and alongside thousands of Portsmouthians, we welcomed her with our biggest ever outside broadcast, with exclusive contributions from the world expert on the ship, members of the tug-boat team and Maldwy Drummond, Chairman of the Preserbation Trust, and one of the very few allowed on board. Our host at Old Portanouth was Matt Hopper and Jean-Paul Hansford broadcast live from the MT Flying Kestrel. Jean Paul found himself alongside Admiral Alec Weir, for whom the moment was especially sweet. You see, he had vivid recollections of Warrior in the depths of her indignity, working as a rusting pontoon off the Pembrokeshire coast... as she came down. TRACK 10-Balloons - The place Ocean Sound presenters find themselves doing programmes ranges from Steam Trains to Balloons! And that is where I found myself doing the breakfast show during the Southampton Balloon festival on July 31. TRACK 11-Country Fair - half a mile or so...On June 28, one of the station’s most nomadic programmes, Matt Hopper’s Sunday Brunch, found itself a Ocean Sound’s country fair in Beaulieu. At one point, Matt spoke to a Hawk Expert from Haw Experience, and with a bird on the end of the microphone!TRACK 12- Flying - and hopefully we are down. Mark Flanagan’s morning show on Ocean Sound West came from - wait for it - above Southampton on July 23. He was with Barry Eustance of Flight Preparation in Eastleight. TRACK 13- The Soods one year on - It is also a special day in a house in Fremantle in Southampton - the home of the Sood family. Little Shelley Sood was born just hours before Ocean Sound started broadcasting and her cries were the first sounds heard on air. Karen Woods reports. TRACK 14- Workwatch Stab - During March of this year, we asked employers in the Ocean Sound area to take part in our workwatch scheme - run alongside Hampshire Careers service. Hundreds of youngsters benefitted tremendously from their 2 days shadowing, as Simon Vigar found out when he reported on their progress during the actual week of palcements during July. Jonathan Holden from Woodlands school in Southampton is interested in becoming a Parks Manager, and through Ocean Sound, he was able to gain first hand experience with Southampton City Council. Simon spoke first with Bob Whitfield, Horticultural Operations manager and asked what exactly his department does. TRACK 15- Southampton Boat Show - Mid-September at Mayflower Park in Southampton can mean only one thing - the country’s best Boat Show. Sunday Brunch, presented by Mark Flanagan, came live from the boat show on the 13th. One of the most popular attraction was the Try a boat, get afloat scheme. Mark found himself afloat with Rob Parkin from Emsworth Sailing School. Track 16-Very much reading: Trevor the Trolley - Sarah Lucas explained to Alison Holt where the special charm of these stories lies... [Box 9]
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Track 16 is a combination of tape bands 16 and 17; track 17 is tape band 18; track 18 is the two opening TXX and also a voxpop - see tape box. Track 4 includes music at 3-6 mins.
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Chris Rider; Matt Hopper; Karen Woods; Alison Holt; Guy Phillips; Jean Paul Hansford; Mark Flanagan; Simon Vigar; Jane Hill; Jim Hick; Gordon Fowards
Prince Charles; Phillip Pollock; Terry Ladlow; Alec Weir; Rob Parkin; Bob Whitfield; Sarah Lucas
Chris Carnegy

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