Ocean Sound This Week No.15: Programme 15 of a weekly news and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.15: Programme 15 of a weekly news and sports review
Transmission details
30 Jan 1987 at 19:00
OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 15 Programme 15 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 30 January 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK 1- Environment Minister, WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE, interviewed regarding leukaemia scare in Fareham. Parents told not to panic. Portsmouth paperboy, ROBERT BERRIDGE, praised by police for prompt alerting of authorities when delivering to house of 79 year old Violet Todd. He noticed the previous day’s paper had not been taken from letterbox. Mrs Todd found with broken hip and a fire starting. Sam Cook’s Twisting the Night Away played to celebrate its 25th anniversary. TRACK 2-ALISON RICE looks into holiday potential of France. Interviews ROB WILKINS, Managing Director of Hoverspeed about car holiday packages and JEAN OLIGARI, French Managing Director of tour firm French Leave, specialists in quality. TRACK 3- CHRIS RIDER reviews this week’s news and sport. News - ALISON HOLT reports on taxi murder of DOUGIE LATTER. Unemployed man charged with the murder at Eastleigh magistrates court. BBC under further attack for tragic death of MICHAEL LUSH in TV stunt that went wrong. Robin Wintle, solicitor acting for relatives alleges BBC more concerned with dramatic effect than safety. NOEL EDMONDS, programme’s presenter says that he never wants to be associated with such stunts again. Fareham leukaemia scare. Envionment Minister, WILLIAM WALDEGRAVE, says more research needs to be done on cause of disease before any conclusions can be drawn. [See first report, Track 1]. Southampton’s Mayflower Theatre unveiled with the formal handing of keys to Denis Hall, Theatre Director. Pop group Zig Zig Sputnik present. A rate rise of 1p in pounds likely for 1987/88 announces Council Leader, Ian Gibson. Represents 3.6 percent increase. Sport - GUY PHILLIPS reports. Southampton beat Shrewsbury in quarter finals for Littlewoods Cup. Southampton confident of beating Liverpool in semi- finals for Wembley. Pompey extends lead at top of table by 5 points by beating Brighton 1-0. In basketball Portsmouth maintains national lead over Derby by beating Bracknell, putting it 4 points behind Kingston in table. TRACK 4- GRAHAM WHITE interviews intrepid graduates from Plessey Radar who, in fancy dress, plunge into the sea at Ryde in a temperature of minus 2 degrees C. JONATHAN BLUESTONE, one of the swimmers, explains that they hope to raise 500 pounds for a turbo wheelchair for little LUCY MATTHEWS of East Cowes, paralysed from the waist down. DOUG GODDARD offers a snip at his beard for Lucy at 1 pound a go. Elton John’s hit song of 12 years ago which won a Golden Disc played Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds. TRACK 5- JANE HILL interviews JOHN ROBINSON of Cowplain, just released from seven and a half months in a Zambian jail. He was accused of spying. Bitter about British Government for not doing more. Release due to efforts of local MP and South African Government. GUY PHILLIPS interviews PETER BIE of K-Lite Radio, Los Angeles about the 21st Super Bowl in which the New York Giants beat Denver Broncos 39 points to 20 at Passadena. Over 85,000 came for game. Carnival atmosphere but Passadena used to that. People will pay anything to see the game. Lawyer offered 10,000 dollars worth of his services for 2 tickets on 50 yard line! Steve Silk Hurley’s Jack Your Body Network No 1 for second week. Southampton City Council Leader, ALAN WHITEHEAD, makes plea against proposed closure of Aldermoor First and Middle Schools, Lordshill. [Box 9]
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Track 1- Music at approx 6-8 mins. Track 4- Music at approx 5-9 mins. Track 5- Music at approx 6-8 mins.
Misc. notes
Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Chris Rider; Alison Holt; Guy Phillips; Graham White; Jane Hill; Alison Rice
Matt Hopper
Alan Whitehead; William Waldegrave; Robert Berridge; Rob Wilkins; Jean Oligari; C Jonathan Bluestone; Lucy Matthews; John Robinson; Peter Bie

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