British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. King Lear (2019 Video)

    Shakespeare’s Globe
    Nancy Meckler

    Recording of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre 2017 production of King Lear directed by Nancy Meckler. With Kevin McNally, Saskia Reeves and Emily Bruni. The production is directed for Opus Arte by Ian Russell.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  2. Romeo and Juliet (2004 Video)

    Peter Gill

    A video recording, using a single, fixed camera, of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s 2004 production of Romeo and Juliet. Directed by Peter Gill with Matthew Rhys as Romeo and Sian Brooke as Juliet.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. Comedy of Errors, The (2004 Video)

    Joe Banno

    Video recording of Joe Banno’s 2004 production of The Comedy of Errors for the Folger Theatre set in the Italian/American Brooklyn neighbourhood. Clinton Brandhagen plays Antipholus of Syracuse and Ephesus...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  4. Was ihr Wollt (2001 Television)

    aka: Twelfth Night

    Christoph Marthaler

    A production, for German television, of Christoph Marthaler’s Twelfth Night, first staged at the Schauspielhaus Zurich, Switzerland in 2001. Judith Engel is Viola.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  5. Titus Trash Tatar (1999 Audio)

    Helga Pogatschar

    Helga Pogatschar’s experimental audio play is a sound interpretation of Albert Ostermaier’s Tartar Titus (1998), a stage play in which Shakespeare’s Titus becomes a writer whose art has been put at the...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  6. Cymbeline (1988 Video)

    Bill Alexander

    A video recording, using a single, fixed camera, of the 1987 Royal Shakespeare Company’s production of Cymbeline. Directed by Bill Alexander with Harriet Walter as Imogen.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  7. Cymbeline (1983 Television)

    aka: The Shakespeare Plays

    BBC Television Shakespeare
    Elijah Moshinsky
    Shaun Sutton

    Television production of Cymbeline with Richard Johnson in the title role and Helen Mirren as Imogen.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  8. Henry VI. Part I (1983 Television)

    aka: The Shakespeare Plays

    BBC Television Shakespeare
    Jane Howell
    Jonathan Miller

    Television production directed by Jane Howell who was responsible for the entire tetralogy (the three parts of Henry VI plus King Richard III), starring Peter Benson (King Henry VI) and Brenda Blethyn (Joan...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  9. Henry VI. Part II (1983 Television)

    BBC Television Shakespeare
    Jane Howell
    Jonathan Miller

    Television production directed by Jane Howell who was responsible for the entire tetralogy (the three parts of Henry VI plus King Richard III). With Peter Benson as King Henry VI and David Burke as Duke of...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  10. Henry VI. Part 3 (1983 Television)

    BBC Television Shakespeare
    Jane Howell
    Jonathan Miller

    Television production directed by Jane Howell who was also responsible for the entire tetralogy (the three parts of Henry VI plus King Richard III). Peter Benson is King Henry.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
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