Queen & Duke Start Round-The-World Tour


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
26 Nov 1953
Date submitted
23 Nov 1953
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1City Freedom for Mr Attlee
  2. 2All Blacks Beaten
  3. 3Gloucester Honours Col. Carne
  4. 4Queen & Duke Start Round-The-World Tour


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 4
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Queen & Duke Start Round the World Tour. DESCRIPTION: Thousands went to the Palace to see the Queen and the Duke leave. At London Airport, Her Majesty was attended by Sir Miles Thomas, BOAC Chairman. Here, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret came to see Her Majesty and the Duke off. Also there were members of the Government and Sir Winston Churchill. As the Queen begins her tour, Movietone illustrates the route that lies ahead. SHOTLIST: Cut story - KS. EIIR. Crowds at night outside palace. Car bearing Queen & Duke out of palace gates. LS scene at London Airport (illuminated). Crowds & pressmen await Queen’s arrival. Queen accompanied by Sir Miles Thomas comes out across tarmac to plane. Duke follows with Queen Mother, also Princess Margaret. MS Stratocruiser, Sir Winston Churchill and cabinet ministers by plane. Queen up steps to plane. LS plane, camera stands in front etc. Queen Mother followed by Princess up steps into plane. Princess Margaret, Queen Mother and officials down steps from plane. Queen & Duke wave at door of plane. Door shut, plane taxies. Queen & Duke wave from windows. Queen Mother & Princess Margaret wave back. LS Stratocruiser starts to move away. Fade. Name of plane to carry Queen was Canopus. Elevated view of London, VGV over rooftops looking to St Paul’s Cathedral. SCU globular atlas, showing Royal route - England to Newfoundland. Mix into clouds. Back to route on globe showing West Indies. Aerial. Crowds of Jamaicans at Government House. CU map, Panama Canal. Cut to rough sea from rail of ship. CU globe showing Fiji & Tonga Isles. Elevated GV Fiji. Natives push out canoe from beach. CU New Zealand. Elevated view N Zealand countryside. GV ditto. CU Australia on map. LS across river to Sydney Bridge. Water tumbling over rocks. Wipe to Kangaroo. Drover with his sheep. Herd of cattle on grasslands. Crowded beach in Australia. Men surf boating. Yachting. Shot of skiing on snowy slopes. Wipe to cheering Aussie crowds. Australian troops marchpast. Aussie sailors marchpast. Shot horse racing. Queen Elizabeth in box watching. SCU Queen & Duke. Another shot of Queen visiting hospital. CU Colonial flag.
Royalty; Sport; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Mass media; Ships and boats; Entertainment and leisure; Environment; Aviation; Ceremonies; Colonialism; Navy; Animal husbandry; Water sports; Animals; Military; Scenery and travel
London; Buckingham Palace; England; Jamaica; London Heathrow Airport
Footage sources
Card file number
George Richardson
Leslie Mitchell
Martin Gray
Norman Fisher
Length of story (in feet)
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