Ocean Sound This Week No.38: Programme 38 of a weekly news and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.38: Programme 38 of a weekly news and sports review
Transmission details
12 Jul 1987 at 19:00
OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 38 Programme 38 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 12 July 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK 1- KAREN WOODS interviews ROSEMARY POCKLEY from Stubbington, regarding a survey conducted by Conservation Women’s Groups in 47 Constituencies within the Wessex Area. POCKLEY, who is Wessex Area Chairperson within the Party organisation, says that survey has revealed strong support for reform of the Sunday trading laws. Under present regulations one can buy soft porn on a Sunday but not a bedding plant. Women want to be able to purchase DIY and gardening goods but not food. The Commodores sing Easy. CHRIS CARNEGY reports on start of the 1987 Transatlantic Reliability Tour in which 30 vintage cars from the USA will set out from the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu on a 3,000 mile round trip of Britain which will take a month of driving. JUDY HENRY from Maryland in her 1913 PACKARD is interviewed as is ERNIE GILL who claims that American cars are the most reliable in the World. MILLARD W NEWMAN of Tampa, Florida, driving a 1911 Rolls Royce, says they came to Britain for the tour because they ran out of places in the US. ERNEST SMITH, Managing Director of National Breakdowns, which supports the tour, and which provides the back-up service speaks. LORD MONTAGU of Beaulieu says that these old cars are a lovely way of seeing the countryside because they are so high up. Suzy Quatro sings The Race is On. TRACK 2- Review of the week’s news and sport. News - KAREN WOODS reporting. JOHN DUKE, Chief Constable of Hampshire, is interviewed regarding Police Authority’s recent decision to allow use of plastic bullets. He says that he does not expect they will ever actually be used in the County. The QE2 returns to dry dock in Southampton after a transatlantic crossing. Ship has been plagued with problems following 100 million pounds refit in West Germany. Investigation is taking place as to why 2 new fuel saving devices broke off during sea trials. CHRIS RIDER reports on the passing of the 3rd reading in the House of Lords of the Lyndhurst Bypass Bill. LORD MANNERS, a local verderer and opponent of the Bill told the House that a lot of people would be upset by the loss of the forest and tells RIDER that the forest can be seen to be gradually eroded. Hampshire County Council, promoting the bill, claim that the loss of 17 acres of forest will be made up by giving up an equivalent area elsewhere. LORD CONGLETON speaks, having lived 19 years in the area and says that it will not be destroyed by the bypass. PETER GRIFFITS MP for Portsmouth North, speaks about his recent letter to the Home Secretary protesting about the freedom to buy offensive weapons such as commando knives, handcuffs and bondage whips over the counter. Sport - CHRIS SCUDDER reporting. Three swimming teams compete in round Portsea Island race which is won by a police team. The organiser, DENIS MEDLICOTT of the Solent Swimming Club, says that the race for the John Marshall trophy was so successful that they will be back next year. The European Dressage Championships are held at Goodwood and JENNY LORISTON-CLARK from Brockenhurst, riding Dutch Bid, and Dutch Gold does well in the warm up classes but is well down in the championships. She is interviewed. In the 2nd round for the NatWest Cricket Cup, Hampshire is defeated by Leicestershire being out-rund by 15. Dreams of first ever match at Lords finally dashed. MARK FLANAGAN interviews Dr JOHN WHITE from the Royal South Hants Hospital, Southampton, regarding the dangers of excessive sun bathing. WHITE is heading a campaign to alert sun worshippers to the effect of too much sun on the skin which can cause a form of skin cancer called malignant melanoma. Tell tale signs of cancers are itching, burning or inflamation. Early treatment can remove these growths but neglect can prove fatal. WHITE’s advice to sun- bathers - Take it slowly. Nick Kershaw sings I won’t let the Sun go down on me. MATT HOPPER interviews ROY KINNEAR, currently appearing as the Common Man in: A Man for all Seasons, at the Chichester Festival Theatre. Asked about what makes people laugh he says that it is recognising a situation in which they themselves could have been involved - The Laughter of Recognition. Asked about his favourite Sunday lunch he chose to be at home with his family enjoying a menu of roast beef and yorkshire pudding with 2 vegetables. Abba sing Money, Money, Money. Treasure hunters with metal detectors in the New Forest unearth a crock of 19 Celtic gold coins, more than 2,000 years old and worth over 2,000 pounds. PAT MULHOLLAND and MIKE SLEAMAN found them after only 45 minutes searching. The coins have been declared treasure trove and if the British Museum decide that it does not want them the pair stand to make a good return by selling on the open market. The Petshop Boys sing: Its a Sin, this week’s Network No 1. TRACK 3- Programme trail [ref AV35/OSTW34, 35, 38/S1]. [Box 9]
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NB new intro to programme. Track 1- Music at approx 5-8 mins; 14-18 mins. Track 2- Music at approx 11-14 mins; 20-22 mins; 28-33 mins. Track 2- Retake on speech at end.
Misc. notes
Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


John Duke; Rosemary Pockley; Judy Henry; Packard; Ernie Gill; Millard W Newman; Ernest Smith; Lord Montagu; Lord Manners; Lord Congleton; Peter Griffits; Denis Medlicott; Jenny Loriston Clark; John White; Roy Kninnear
Chris Rider; Matt Hopper; Karen Woods; Chris Carnegy; Mark Flanagan; Chris Scudder
Matt Hopper

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