Ocean Sound This Week No.31: Programme 31 of a weekly news and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.31: Programme 31 of a weekly news and sports review
Transmission details
24 May 1987 at 19:00
OCEAN SOUND THIS WEEK NO. 31 Programme 31 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 24 May 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK 1- ALISON HOLT reports on chemical spillage at Ryvan Chemical Works, Hedge End. Split drums caused a cloud of fumes to spread, necessitating hospital treatment for 108 people. JAMES MERSEL, Managing Director of a nearby works, speaks of arriving at site just before it was sealed off and seeing a pall of fume. County Analyst, JOHN FULSTOW, brought in. KAREN WOODS reports on a summer exhibition at Broadlands, Romsey of replica jewels from all parts of the World. The exhibition is opened with a fanfare of trumpets and an announcement by the World Champion Town Crier, MIKE ANDREWS. PETER MOORE, promoter of the exhibition, describes some of the foreign jewels of which the Russian Imperial Crown is his favourite. LORD ROMSEY says that he is delighted to have the collection at Broadlands. TRACK 2- JEAN PAUL HANSFORD reports on the Queen’s visit to Ryde, Isle of Wight, when she officially opened a Heritage Centre at St Thomas Square. 8 year old Daniel ? speaks and also Mrs Peggy Boyd. Madonna sings La Isla BBonita. Report continues with an interview with MIKE ANDREWS, winner of the Town Crier World Championship. VIC GRIEVE from Sydney, Australia, speaks about formation of band over past 18 months which is visiting Ryde. DR ALAN INSOLL shows Hansford round Heritage Centre, located in a church. Queen does a walkabout in Union Street, Ryde and ends her tour of the Island with a visit to Osborne House, home of Queen Victoria. HANSFORD interviews 19 year old IAN LLOYD, the youngest competitor in the Town Crier World Championship. LLOYD says that he entered the contest mainly for an ego trip. His escort is Julie Brenten ? who, apparently has an official function. TRACK 3- Review of this week’s news and sport. News - KAREN WOODS reporting. Health and Safety Director, JOHN RUSSELL, speaking of the chemical leak at Ryvan Works, Hedge End [see previous report band 1], says he believes chemicals caused acid fumes. Casualties now up to 120. CHRIS WILLIAMS is interviewed about his rescue attempts when a gas explosion ripped out the wall of a flat in Ashburton Road, Southsea. GUY PHILLIPS reports on arrest of - for murder of 63 year old JEAN ADAMS, found with a plastic bag over her head. CHRIS RIDER reports on CHERYL WELLS, a Southsea woman, distraught when less than 2 hours before her wedding ceremony her husband to be, MARTIN RAMSDEN was found dead in his bath by the Best Man. RAMSDEN was an epileptic. Eastleigh’s Alliance Mayor, PHILLIP SPEARY, speaks about the importance of his casting vote now that the Council is hung. The Council’s Chief Executive, MICHAEL BRAINSBY, says that it is merely a technical matter. Sport - CHRIS SCUDDER reporting. England beat Pakistan at the first Texaco one day cricket match at the Oval. Hampshire draw with Nottinghamshire. Southampton Football Club terminates contract with NICK HOLMES after 17 years. KEVIN DILLON rejects new contract with Portsmouth FC. Chairman, JOHN DEACON, denies that DILLON was being forced to agree new terms. IAN GIBSON, Leader of Portsmouth City Council, celebrates return of International Athletics to Portsmouth for the first time since 1971. GIBSON is thrilled and hopes for a crowd of 8,500. Goodwood has first racing meet of the flat season. TRACK 4- The Electric Light orchestra sing The Cowboy as Hero. PAUL CLIFTON inter- views PETER GREEN, West Sussex Trading Standards Officer, about the activities of cowboy salesmen who operate in local pubs or hired rooms. They sell shoddy goods under false names and there is often no way that the public can get their money back. TRACK 5- ADRIAN SCOTT interviews KEVIN BROWN of Romsey, serving with the Army Air Corps in West Germany. He is returning to Britain to take part in a sponsored incubator push from John O Groats to Land’s End in aid of Bliss, Baby Life Support Systems. Aim is to raise money for badly needed equipment in special care baby units in hospitals throughout the country. All participators in the push are from the Army Air Corps. The team consists of 8 walkers plus 2 reserves and it is hoped to complete the journey in 10 days. From Starship Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now, this week’s Network No 1. [Box 9]
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Track 2- Music at approx 4-7 mins. Track 4- Music at approx 0-2 mins. Track 5- Music at approx 2-6 mins.
Misc. notes
Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Ian Gibson; John Deacon; Lord Romsey; Michael Brainsby; Mike Andrews; James Mersel; Peter Moore; Vic Grieve; Alan Insoll; Ian Lloyd; John Russell; Chris Williams; Phillip Speary; Peter Green; Kevin Brown
Matt Hopper
Karen Woods; Alison Holt; Guy Phillips; Jean Paul Hansford; Adrian Scott; Paul Clifton

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