Ocean Sound This Week No.33: Programme 33 of a weekly news and sports review

Ocean Sound This Week No.33: Programme 33 of a weekly news and sports review
Transmission details
7 Jun 1987 at 19:00
Ocean Sound This Week No. 33 Programme 33 of a weekly news and sports review called Ocean Sound This Week, broadcast by independent radio station Ocean Sound on 7 June 1987. Presented by MATT HOPPER. TRACK 1- JEAN PAUL HANSFORD reports on the General Election campaign in the Isle of Wight. All 3 parliamentary candidates appear at the Medina Theatre and are interviewed. Alliance’s MICHAEL YOUNG considers unemployment is the most crucial issue for the Island. Labour’s KEN PEARSON agrees and says that there should be more investment in the Island to relieve the problem. The Conservative candidate, BARRIE FIELD, agrees that unemployment is biggest problem but points to Government initiatives such as the Enterprise Allowance Scheme. Alice Cooper sings Election from 1973. JEAN PAUL HANSFORD goes down to Haylands Farm, near Ryde, Isle of Wight, run by 18 mentally handicapped students and organised by the Society for the Mentally Handicapped. SIMON VIGAR interviews CHARLES COOK, Appeals Organiser for the project. The airm is to give mentally handicapped people work experience and there is reliance on donations. Farm Manager, WENDY HAMMINGTON, is inter- viewed and explains that donors can see precisely where their money goes. Interviews with mentally handicapped students. Interview with SIMON ROBERTS, organiser of the Summer Fair which is an open day on the farm to attract donors and voluntary helpers. Isle of Wight band, Level 42, sing To be with You Again. CHRIS SCUDDER reports on the growing popularity of the French game Petanque, which is akin to our game of bowls except that the balls are thrown through the air at the Jack and the pitch is called a terrain, and has a gravelly surface. PETER HOWARTH, President of the British National Petanque Association, is interviewed and explains that the game came to Britain’s South coast in 1974. Shedfield, Hampshire is the home of British Petanque and BOB BRITTAN of the Shedfield Club is interviewed. Diana Ross sings Muscles. TRACK 2- The week’s review of news and sport. News - ALISON HOLT reporting. In the General Election campaign there are visits to the area by Lord Young, Employment Secretary, George Younger, Defence Secretary, Labour’s Defence Spokesman, Denzel Davies and Alliance’s David Owen. A TVS Poll shows 39 percent undecided whilst Portsmouth News predicts that Tories will snatch back Portsmouth South from the Alliance. A Portsmouth inquest returns a suicide verdict on heroin addict, 25 year old GLENDA MADDEN who hanged herself in a police cell. In the Balfour area of Southampton gangs of youths are terrifying pensioners. An independent survey shows that Ocean Sound is the most popular radio station in South Hampshire, West Sussex and the Isle of Wight with over half a million people tuning in regularly. Ocean Sound’s Managing Director, DAVID LUCAS, is interviewed and says that the programmes are the key to success. Sport - CHRIS SCUDDER reporting. In County Cricket Championship matches, Hampshire are robbed of victory over Gloucester and Glamorgan but do better against Sussex with skipper, Mark Nicholas, scoring 147 runs. CHRIS SMITH is interviewed. ALAN BALL, Pompey Football Manager, is interviewed regarding his signing of Brighton’s Terry Connor to strengthen Pompey squad. BALL says that this is just the start of his spending. Solent Stars basketball team are saved from going bust by sponsors Draper Tools. Club’s director, RICHARD TIER, is interviewed and says he is obviously delighted. Interviews with KIM HOLT, VIC HARRISON and KEN OSBORNE who plan to drive a Volkswagen Beetle car round the Isle of Wight but on the water. Car will be sealed against leaks but OSBORNE will be pumping if necessary! Stunt is for charity. The Floaters sing Float On from 1977. Witney Houston sings I want to dance with Somebody, this week’s Network No 1. [Box 9]
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Track 1- Music at approx 6-9 mins; 16-19 mins; 24-29 mins. Track 2- Music at approx. 12-15 mins; 16-21 mins.
Misc. notes
Gauge:-1/8 inch tape
Production company
Ocean Sound
1 tape


Matt Hopper
Alison Holt; Jean Paul Hansford; Simon Vigar; Chris Scudder
Alan Ball; David Lucas; Ken Pearson; Charles Cook; Wendy Hammington; Simon Roberts; Peter Howarth; Bob Britt; Chris Smith; Richard Tier; Kim Holt; Harrison Osborne; Ken Osborne

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