British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. The Marquise (Yorkshire Television, 1980)

    The Marquise by Noël Coward (1899-1973)
    ITV (ITV Playhouse)
    Christopher Hodson

    1980 Yorkshire Television production for ITV of The Marquise by Noël Coward.

  2. The Jewish Wife (BBC, 1968)

    The Jewish Wife by Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)
    BBC2 (Touch of Venus)
    Hal Burton

    1968 BBC production of The Jewish Wife by Bertolt Brecht.

  3. Everyman (BBC, 1964)

    Everyman by Anonymous
    BBC Television (Festival)
    Michael Hayes

    1964 BBC Television production of the morality play Everyman in modern dress.

  4. That Lady (BBC, 1961)

    That Lady by Kate O’Brien
    BBC Television (Sunday-Night Play)
    Hal Burton

    1961 BBC production of That Lady by Kate O’Brien.

  5. Julius Caesar, Part 4 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.

  6. Julius Caesar, Part 2 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.

  7. Julius Caesar, Part 1 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.

  8. Strife, Part 3 (BBC, 1960)

    Strife by John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC schools production of Strife by John Galsworthy, given in three parts. Parts 1 and 3 survive in the BBC archives; part 2 is lost.

  9. Strife, Part 1 (BBC, 1960)

    Strife by John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC schools production of Strife by John Galsworthy, given in three parts. Parts 1 and 3 survive in the BBC archives; part 2 is lost.

  10. Justice (BBC, 1960)

    Justice by John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
    BBC Television (Twentieth Century Theatre)
    Michael Barry

    1960 BBC production of Justice by John Galsworthy, the very first play in the new six-month series Twentieth Century Theatre.

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