British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access

the Cold War


Series Name
The March of Time 13th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Length of issue (in feet)
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1the Cold War


Story No. within this Issue
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The March of Time synopsis: Emphasising the gravity of the conflict between the forces of Communism and the Western democracies, this month’s March of Time, "The Cold War" focuses on the present situation in France. In Paris, where a coalition of moderate parties holds office, the "cold war" says the film, is by no means a mere matter of debate but a harsh and implacable reality. While Leftists and Rightists continue their bid for power, millions of French families are trapped between the inflationary cost of living and wages which, though rising, still lag far behind.

The March of Time looks at the scene through the eyes of a typical French household, the Dubois family, who represent the moderates, wanting neither the Communists nor the de Gaullists but preferring the middle of the road party led by Premier Robert Schuman. The film depicts the daily inconveniences and frugal life to which the Dubois are subjected in their Paris home and, in contrast, it shows them on a visit to relatives in the country where, though the living is good, the same sense of frustration prevails. Recalling the municipal elections during the Autumn of 1947, the film shows how the de Gaulists set the stage for a sharp swing to the Right by backing anti-Communist candidates of several parties. Surprised by the new temper of the voters, the Communists, by playing up economic troubles, succeeded in disrupting the life of the country, and as industries closed down and critical public services were called out on strike, France lived through weeks of hardship. Under the pressure of insurrection, Premier Ramadier’s cabinet fell, and for three days France was without effective leadership until Robert Schuman secured enough support from Left and Right to form a government.

One of his first moves as Premier was to purge the police of suspected Communists. Then he demanded, and got, power to call out the army to end the Communist rising, and at all key points troops maintained a strict control of transport and communications. With the strikes broken France began to function as a producing nation once again. In Paris, the new cabinet of Premier Schuman set to work on stringent economic reforms which, by exacting sacrifices from every class, would place French economy on a solid basis. Prohibitive taxes were imposed on luxury trades in Schuman’s campaign against black markets and profiteers, but throughout France these reforms were received with mixed emotions. From the new federation of labour unions came a call to provide for the workers’ just claims to higher wages, and from time to time the de Gaullists have joined forces with the Communists in attempts to block Schuman projects in Parliament. In the growing opposition of extremes of Left and Right, most Frenchmen sense the threat of something even worse than the "cold war". The great chance for European recovery today lies in the success of the Marshall Plan, on which depends not only the survival of Europe’s hard pressed democratic nations but the future of the whole world for generations to come.
Researcher Comments
This story was included in Vol.14 No.6 of the US edition.
Politics and government
Written sources
The March of Time Promotional Material   Lobby Card, Used for synopsis
Production Co.
Time Inc.

Record Stats

This record has been viewed 110 times.