World Speedway Finals


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
24 Sep 1970
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1World Speedway Finals
  2. 2International Stamp Exhibition
  3. 3German Male Fashions
  4. 4Australian Home Inventions
  5. 5Australian Jet Car
  6. 6Hovercraft Race


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 6
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: World Speedway Finals. DESCRIPTION: A star line up at Wembley as speedway riders from Sweden, Poland, Great Britain and Czechoslovakia compete for the World Team Championships. British riders twice smash the track record, but Sweden are the eventual points winners. SHOTLIST: GV pan riders & machines in tunnel entrance. SV Nigel Boocock (on right) and Ivan Mauger. CU Boocock. SV Sjoren Sjosten of Sweden. SCU Ronnie Moore pan down to bike. CU wheel spinning. GV all riders in trailer with flags round track, pan to bikes lined up. GV crowds. LV riders of Heat 1 up to tapes. GV pan riders round track. LV pan ditto - Mauger wins heat for Britain. CU Barry Briggs (GB) up to tape. LV riders up to tape. CU tapes up and away. SV pan Briggs round bend in lead. CU pan ditto. SV pan ditto Briggs wins heat. SV machines to tapes. CU wheel close to tape. SV bikes jump away at start. SV pan 4 riders bunched round bend. LV riders round bend, Wilson crashes. CU pan bike flashes past camera. CU wheels lined up at start & off. SV pan machines round bend with Sjosten in lead. CU pan as Sjosten round bend in lead. SV pan Sjosten wins heat. SV scoreboard shows result Sweden 1st, Britain 2nd. SV trophy presented to Swedish team.
Sport; Motor racing
London; England; Wembley; United Kingdom
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Ray Gallard
Stan Goozee
Length of story (in feet)
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