British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Reluctant Heroes (BBC, 1960)

    Reluctant Heroes by Colin Morris (1916-1996)
    BBC Television (Brian Rix Presents; Summer Theatre)
    Brian Rix (1924-)

    1960 BBC production of Colin Morris’ farce Reluctant Heroes.

  2. The Devil’s General (BBC, 1960)

    The Devil’s General [Des Teufels General] by Carl Zuckmayer (1894-1944)
    BBC Television (Summer Theatre)
    Rudolph Cartier

    1960 BBC production of The Devil’s General by Carl Zuckmayer. Cartier had also produced the play for television five years earlier in 1955 with many of the same cast, including the leads Marius Goring and...

  3. My Flesh, My Blood (BBC, 1960)

    Spring and Port Wine by Bill Naughton (1910-1992)
    BBC Television (Summer Theatre)
    Terence Dudley

    1960 BBC Television production of My Flesh, My Blood by Bill Naughton, from the BBC’s television studio in Scotland.