British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. As You Like It (BBC, 1978)

    As You Like It by William Shakespeare
    BBC2 (BBC Television Shakespeare)
    Basil Coleman

    1978 BBC production of Shakespeare’s As You Like It. The production was preceded earlier in the evening by a 25-minute introductory programme presented by Brigid Brophy, and it featured a five-minute...

  2. Naked Island (BBC, 1965)

    Naked Island by Russell Braddon (1921-1995)
    BBC2 (Thursday Theatre)
    John Gorrie

    1965 BBC production of Naked Island by Russell Braddon.

  3. Present Laughter (Granada Television, 1964)

    Present Laughter by Noël Coward (1899-1973)
    ITV (Choice of Coward)
    Joan Kemp-Welch (1906-1999)

    1964 Granada production for ITV of Present Laughter by Noël Coward, presented in the four-play series A Choice of Coward.

  4. Julius Caesar, Part 4 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.

  5. Julius Caesar, Part 3 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.

  6. Julius Caesar, Part 1 (BBC, 1960)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Schools)
    Ronald Eyre

    1960 BBC production for schools of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, presented in four parts. This production was set in modern dress, and in modern times.