Sydney Dock Strike


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
23 Jul 1959
Date submitted
13 Jul 1959
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Highlights of Royal Tour
  2. 2Operation Fishhook
  3. 3The International Horse Show
  4. 4Sydney Dock Strike


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 4
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Sydney Dock Strike. DESCRIPTION: This was the worst affair of its kind ever seen in Sydney’s docks: the story of an Italian liner and the battle of Sydney waterfront. In sympathy with a strike in Italy, the dockers had declared all Italian ships black, and one of Roma’s lifeboats had to transfer the hawsers to the wharf, because the dockers refused to help. Passengers found themselves humping their own baggage aboard and strikers began arguing with lorry-drivers, trying to prevent loads of food-supplies from going aboard the ship. Tension began to mount, and police reinforcements began to arrive. It was soon after their arrival, that the battle commenced: dockers going for the men they called scabs and fights breaking out all over the place. The police restored order eventually. SHOTLIST: Pan dockers. MS liner drops anchor. MS Dockers with placards. CU placard. MS dockers with placards. CU dockers LS lifeboat hauling hawsers. LS dockers on wharf. MS seamen in lifeboat. MS seamen in hawser. MS passengers carrying own luggage. GV dockers congregating. MS same arguing with lorry drivers, pan - lorry leaves. LS police leave truck. MS police move in. GV fighting breaks out. MS police and dockers scuffling. MS fighting. Various scenes. MS liner after disturbances. Crowd wave. Ship sails.
Ships and boats; Vehicles; Industry and manufacture; Demonstrations; Labour relations; Riots; Crime
Footage sources
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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