Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: VE Day Anniversary - VE Day in Vienna


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
20 May 1946
Date submitted
16 May 1946
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Hoover’s Food Facts for Americans
  2. 2Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Far East News - Australian Victims of Indonesian Ambush
  3. 3Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Far East News - Execution of Jap General
  4. 4Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Far East News - Trial of Jap War Criminal
  5. 5Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Far East News - Shanghai Black Market
  6. 6Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: Far East News - Burmese Water Festival
  7. 7Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: VE Day Anniversary - Where Was De Gaulle?
  8. 8Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: VE Day Anniversary - VE Day in Vienna
  9. 9Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell: VE Day Anniversary - March Past in Berlin


Story No. within this Issue
8 / 9
Section Title
Movietone’s News - Reported by Leslie Mitchell
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: VE Day Anniversary in Vienna. DESCRIPTION: A Four Power Parade marked the Anniversary in Vienna. SHOTLIST: KS Four Allied representatives march along Schwartzenberg Platz. They are Major General Winterton, General Mark Clark, General Joppe and Colonel General Kuresov. French, American, Russian and British troops in marchpast, for British were the Royal Marines and the 8th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, led by pipers band, panning shot of same.
Celebrations and festivals; Ceremonies; Victory celebrations; Occupied territories; Military
Footage sources
Army Film Unit
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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