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  1. University of Oxford Podcasts: European Union Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    Current Affairs, Economics, Law, Politics and Government, Social Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Audio podcasts on the European Union from the University of Oxford given by the faculty and visiting academics from Britain and Europe. Recent topics have included why Britain should stay in the EU, economic governance in Europe, Syrian displacement, the acceptance of refugees with physical disabilities, forced migration, and far-right extremism. The information on content accompanying the listings is comprehensive and searchable by keywords.

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  2. Planet Money: the Economy Explained Streaming

    Social Sciences
    Business Studies, Economics
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Planet Money is an American podcast and blog produced by National Public Radio (NPR), in association with Chicago Public Media, producers of the programme THIS AMERICAN LIFE. Issued twice weekly recent editions have covered the Chinese economy, the cost of health care, the Greek monetary crisis and the economics of drought.

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
  3. Future of Food Streaming

    Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Economics, Food, Politics and Government
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Streaming/Download

    Video and audio resources from the Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food, which connects research on the food system being done at Oxford University and supports interdisciplinary research on the challenges of feeding the global population sustainably and equitably. Video content includes debates, lectures and seminars.

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  4. LSE Video and Audio Channels Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    Business Studies, Economics, Education, Ethnology, Geography, History, Politics and Government, Psychology, Social Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Blogs, Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    The London School of Economics offers a broad selection of over thirty podcasts and videos from its departments and schools. This page presents the resources in a clearly laid out manner, making it easy to see at a glance what is on offer, with brief, informative summaries of each podcast and a clear design. There are too many resources to mention them all here, but selected highlights include: VoxEUROPP, Current Affairs in Mandarin, Institute of Public Affairs and Democratic Audio. There are also links to other outlets which syndicate the content, including iTunesU, YouTube, Webfeeds, mixcloud and Soundcloud. All the resources are freely available.

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  5. The Big Idea Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    Current Affairs, Economics, Law, Politics and Government, Russian Studies, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    Academics from the University of Edinburgh discuss a theme of contemporary relevance in this monthly podcast. The first episode saw professors from the schools of law, economics and history discuss the issues associated with Scottish independence before the 2014 referendum. Other podcasts have more of a magazine format, covering several topics, but the general focus is on current political, economic and social issues, including migration within the EU, the rise of Russian nationalism, and women’s rights, as well as more local issues, such as Scottish oral history and the negative effects of Edinburgh’s self-image. The podcast is also available on iTunes.

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  6. Podcast Thing Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Art, Business Studies, Current Affairs, Design, Economics, Food, General Science, History, Literature, Media Studies, Music, Social Studies, Technology, Women’s Studies
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download, Web Links

    A portal which helps people to ‘find great podcasts’. Curated by Max Temkin and Veronica Corzo-Duchardt, the site presents a selection of mainly American podcasts, arranged under a number of topics, including Tech, Science & Education, Politics & Econ and Storytelling. An Interview page features transcripts of question and answer sessions with podcasters, writers, designers and other culturally-aware, creative people, who talk about their favourite podcasts, and why (and how) they like listening to them. The site works well because its focus is fairly narrow: the emphasis is on curation, and presenting a carefully selected range of interesting podcasts, rather than a comprehensive but overwhelming list of resources.

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
  7. Imperial College Podcasts Streaming

    Science and Technology
    Biology, Computing, Economics, General Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Technology
    Type of resource

    This podcast is presented in a magazine format and features interviews with researchers and scientists at Imperial College, London, as well as round-ups of the latest science news. The podcasts are distinguished by their variety: a typical example covering how gene therapy could treat a rare form of blindness, how economics shapes discourse on climate change and how to protect creative industries while fostering innovation. The podcasts can be streamed or downloaded free of charge and can be listened to as a whole or in individual chapters.

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
  8. Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
    Chemistry, Economics, Literature, Physics
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Organisations, Streaming/Download

    The official website of the Nobel Prize includes audio and video material of interviews, lectures and speeches by Nobel Laureates as well as biographical information, transcripts of speeches and links to other resources. The audiovisual material is scattered across the site rather than organised as a single resource, which can be frustrating, but there are riches here if one takes the time to seek them out. Noteworthy examples include this excerpt from Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz’s Nobel lecture, from December 1980, and a video recording of Martin Luther King’s acceptance speech on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

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  9. Econ Talk Streaming

    Social Sciences
    American Studies, Economics, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Podcasting, Streaming/Download

    This weekly, hour-long podcast is hosted by Professor Russell Roberts at George Mason University and features in-depth interviews with prominent economists, including Nobel laureates Joseph Steiglitz and Ronald Coase, as well as wider discussions covering the political, philosophical and ethical implications of different schools of economic thought. In this podcast from 2009, Christopher Hitchens makes the case for why George Orwell still matters. The podcasts are accompanied by transcripts, links and selective bibliographies and are free to listen to and download. A number of podcasts come with listening guides, consisting of questions and suggestions for teachers at secondary level and higher. Recommended.

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  10. Letter from America by Alistair Cooke Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Art, Current Affairs, Economics, Ethnology, Film Studies, Geography, History, Music, Politics and Government, Radio Studies, Religious Studies, Social Studies, Women’s Studies
    Type of resource

    Alistair Cooke’s first Letter from America - initially called American Letter - was broadcast by the BBC in March, 1946. It was to be the first of 2,869 such broadcasts, spanning 58 years, making it by far the longest-running talk programme of any radio station in the world. The 920 surviving recordings, broadcast between 1946 and 2004, are now online. The can be searched by date and by theme, the latter including such categories as US presidents, race, music & movies, history and so on.

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
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