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  1. Katowice (1995 Video)

    Sharad Shankardass
    Environmental science
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 29 min., 1999 sale: £30.00 (+VAT inc. p&p) (UK education)

    Shows how municipal authorities in Katowice, Poland, have joined forces with the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) to look at ways of improving health conditions and making it a more...

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  2. From Chaos to Hope (1995 Video)

    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 15 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    As in many developing countries, the people of Dar es Salaam, Tanznia, lived in a city which was on the edge of financial and environmental chaos. The cost of all this urban mismanagement was borne by the...

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  3. Walk the Talk: Women Walking Beyond Habitat II (1997 Video)

    Environmental science
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 14 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Shows the active participation of women - the Women’s Caucus - in the 1996 UN Conference on Human Settlemsnts (Habitat II) and describes the women’s efforts to ensure that the Habitat Agenda include a...

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  4. Lights of Luanda, The (1998 Video)

    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 20 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Describes the community rehabilitation process following the civil war in Angola. It is a joint UNCHS/UNDP project to rebuild infrastructure and provincial government buildings.

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  5. Homo Urbanus: Habitat II and Beyond (1997 Video)

    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 29 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    With over half the entire population living in towns and cities for the first time in history, the UN Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II, was held in Istanbul in June 1996 to celebrate a new human...

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  6. Livelihood from Waste, A (1999 Video)

    aka: Trash is Cash

    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 14 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Looks at a recycling initiative in Mukuru, a slum on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, where a group of former scavengers have formed the Mukuru Recycling Centre. The scavengers collect waste, separate it,...

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  7. Seeing is Believing (1991 Video)

    Development studies; Information technology
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 15 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Introduces visual settlement planning (VISP), a computerised approach to land-use planning that can incorporate both statistical and graphical data into a portable format on a microcomputer workstation. VISP...

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  8. Cities in Common (1997 Video)

    Environmental science
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 15 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Argues that, with half the world’s population now living in urban areas, cities are a good focal point for intervention to help reduce unsustainable consumption patterns and make the world ecologically...

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  9. Paradise Precarious (1993 Video)

    Environmental science
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 29 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Shows the fragility of life on small island states such as Mauritius and how easily these paradise islands could be destroyed. Then looks at how governments can work with the private sector and citizens’...

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  10. Waste Not, Want Not (1992 Video)

    Development studies
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 31 min., 2000 sale: US$25.00 (VHS PAL)

    Cities generate mountains of garbage, a resource that could be recycled while providing much-needed employment. Examines recycling projects in India, the Philippines and Thailand, arguing that instead of the...

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