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  1. Radiology of the Small Animal Oesophagus (1984)

    Veterinary science
    Hire, Radiographs. 24 radiographs., 1997 hire: £20.00 (+VAT inc. p&p)

    Presupposes a basic knowledge of radiography and how it applies to the oesophagus, with suitable textbooks for prior study suggested. Using radiographs of a selection of clinical cases, illustrates the...

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  2. Father and son (1992 Video)

    Social welfare
    Hire Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 89 min., 1994 hire: £12.00 1994 sale: £50.00

    Explores the roles of fathers and sones: Colin Browne’s father, formerly a naval officer, suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Shows his last birthday at home, shortly before he goes into residential care,...

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  3. Cognitive Development (1973 Film)

    Sale (film or video), Videocassette. VHS. col. 23 min.

    An overview of psychological theories of development, covering Piaget’s work and the views of the Behaviourists. Piaget’s stages of development are illustrated with animated sequences, and scenes in a...

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  4. Counselling Role in Psychosomatic Illness, The (1984 Video)

    Psychiatry; Psychology
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 50 min., 1996 sale: £50.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Psychiatrists discuss psychosomatic diseases and the part that social workers, nurses, GPs, health visitors and others can play in the interdisciplinary treatment. Dramatisations demonstrate the...

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  5. Small is Beautiful (1979)

    Economics; Technology
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 27 minutes), £29.00

    This Canadian film looks at the life and work of E. F. Schumacher, author of Small is Beautiful. It was shot partly in England where Schumacher and George McRobie of the Intermediate Technology Institute...

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  6. Sakuddei, The (1974 Film, Video)

    John Sheppard
    Film (16mm)

    The Sakuddei live on the island of Siberut off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. They are a small community with their own distinctive language and social and religious life. The film draws a moving and...

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  7. African Businessman (1975 Film)

    Herbert Risz
    Film (16mm)

    Three West African enterpreneurs are interviewed and general problems are discussed. Their projects are outlined and the outcome of their ideas shown. The contrast between traditional values and the style...

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  8. Disability Discrimination Act: The Facts (2007)

    Business studies; Health & safety; Social welfare
    out of distribution

    Looks at the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and how it affects the workplace. Covers: general access requirements; disabled parking; movement within buildings including signs, floor levels, contrast in...

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  9. Dna: Replication and Mitosis (199 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 14 min.

    Examines the experimental use of techniques such as gel electrophoresis in DNA fingerprinting analysis. Discusses the mechanism of replication using a mixture of phase-contrast microscopy and accompanying...

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  10. Successful Lighting for Video (1996)

    Film & television production
    Sale, VHS (34 min), £49.00 inclusive

    One of a series of six programmes covering different areas of video production. Each programme is delivered in sections punctuated with key point summaries. Creative use of light can turn an otherwise...

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