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  1. Guide to Sustainability Within the Construction Industry, A (2008)

    Civil Engineering & Building
    Sale, DVD (DVD-ROM), £85.00

    This programme outlines ways of running a site in a sustainable manner and, in so doing, looking after the interests of the people who work on the site or have to visit it on business; members of the public...

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  2. Environmental Good Practice on Site - Training Pack (1999)

    Civil Engineering & Building; Environmental science
    Sale, VHS (15 minutes), £295.00

    The construction industry is under pressure to improve its environmental performance, not just from legislators and environmental watchdogs, but also from clients and their professional advisers.This...

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  3. Science of Environmental Issues, The (1998 Multimedia)

    Environmental science

    A CD-ROM-based multimedia learning package examining the scientific ideas behind a range of environmental issues including pollution, biotechnology, global warming, habitat loss, fossil fuels and nuclear...

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  4. Waste and Energy Management for Small and Medium Enterprises: Four Case Studies (2001)

    Business studies
    Sale, VHS (29 min), £35.00

    Four very different companies demonstrate the action they have taken to introduce waste and energy management systems into the running of their operations. The demands of the supply chain, the financial...

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  5. Tip and Run (1989 Video)

    David Naden
    Environmental science
    out of distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 30 min., 1993 sale: £20.00 each; £80.00 set (+VAT +p&p)

    CITY WATCH is a series of six films about Birmingham’s Environmental Services Department. Each film follows an individual or a group of environmental health officers and other officials on a ‘typical’...

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  6. Environmental Practices at Work: Office (2013)

    Business studies
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 17 minutes), £49.00 (DVD), £20.00 (1 Year Digital Licence), £49.00 (3 Year Digital Licence)

    Environmental sustainability is about designing and implementing practices and processes within a workplace that do not waste or exhaust natural resources or cause ecological damage. It not only minimises an...

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  7. Textiles: Environmental Impacts

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 26 minutes), £45.00

    Filmed in Bangladesh and the UK, this resource assesses the environmental impacts of the textile industry both here and abroad. It looks at how companies in the UK are working to meet government targets to...

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  8. North Sea, The: Managing the Common Pool (1996 Video)

    Environmental science; Sociology
    Off-air recording licence Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 25 min., 2001 sale: £145.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    For many years the North Sea has been treated both as an infinite resource and as a sink in which to dispose of waste. In the 1970s various groups highlighted the fact that industrialisation, population...

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  9. Composting for All

    Sale, VHS (PAL, 30 minutes), £9.95

    Provides an overview of problems with conventional waste management and introduces a variety of composting options to provide sustainable solutions. Covers making and using compost at home, how to mix...

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  10. Andrew Marr’s Megacities (2011)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 180 minutes), £17.99

    For the first time in history, more people live in cities than the countryside. Across the globe, there are 21 cities with more than 10 million people, and these numbers are set to increase.In this...

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