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Looks at findings and principles in social psychology in the areas of conformity and independence. Using field and laboratory settings to reinforce the interplay of experience and experiment, covers...
This film provides an excellent overview of the development of the field of social psychology over the last 100 years. This includes explanations of key terms, such as norms, conformity, deindividuation,...
Recording of a talk given by Dr Philip Zimbardo at a psychology conference for sixth form students organised by South West Conferences in 2008 in which he talks about his recent work. He tackles key topics...
Discusses the variety of building types among non-conformist places of worship. Demonstrates how archaeological techniques employed on an upstanding building can demonstrate the way in which the building has...
Peter Quarry interviews Esther Orioli, discussing how to unleash the creative powers of everyone within an organisation, including rediscoving one’s lost creativity, the role of conformity in stifling...
Introduces social psychology by looking at the subject matter, its methods of investigation and its findings. Covers affiliation, attribution theory, cognitive dissonance, conformity, and aggression....
An affectionate film portrait of an irrepressible "eccentric", Mai Finglass, who makes you question the sanity of conformity. Born in India around 1890 from Irish-Persian parents, Mai Finglass as a young...
Neuroscientist Jim Fallon uncovered the defining characteristics of the ‘serial killer brain’, only to discover he too had the brain and genes of what he calls a ‘really bad news character’. So why...
A US television dramatised reconstruction of the real experiences of a high school class in Palo Alto, California In April, 1967. When high school teacher, Ron Jones, struggles to explain to his pupils why...
A personal view of Covent Garden market from midnight to mid-day, Director Lindsay Anderson’s describes the film as ‘a lyrical documentary’ - an attempt to bring poetry and humanity back into...
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