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  1. Breaking the Communication Barrier: Ta + Nlp = Synergism (2003)

    Sale, VHS (PAL, 130 minutes each), £92.00

    A 2-volume video set in which Abe Wagner shows how to apply two conerstones of effective communication, transactional analysis (TA) and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to business life - mangement, sales,...

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  2. Romeo & Juliet in Kigali: How a Soap Opera Sought to Change Behavior in Rwanda (2018 Audio)

    Hidden Brain

    Shankar Vedantam presents a look at the way a people is dehumanised before a genocide. Featuring the experiences and theories of Ervin Staub, it first looks at his experiences in Nazi Germany and then looks...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  3. New Books in April

    19 Apr 2012, 17:50
    Post Type
    BUFVC Review

    Digital Disruption: Cinema Moves On-line Edited by Dina Iordanova and Stuart Cunningham (St Andrews Film Studies), 223 pages ISBN: 978-0956373090 (hardback), £35 ISBN: 978-0956373076 (paperback),...

    Other Other Record only Record only
  4. Bobby Fischer Against the World (1991)

    Liz Arbus
    Arts and Humanities
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 91 minutes), £9.99

    Director Liz Garbus presents this look at the life of volatile chess player Bobby Fischer, who stunned the world in 1958 by becoming the U.S. champion, and later shot to infamy for his increasingly erratic...

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  5. Animal Behaviour: Mechanisms of Imprinting (1977 Video)

    aka: Animal Behavior: The Mechanism of Imprinting

    Biology; Psychology
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 15 min., 2000 sale: £33.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    The classic experiments of Konrad Lorenz are reproduced, showing that ducklings will accept as ‘mother’ the first moving thing that is presented to themn. This imprinting is strong enought to persist to...

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  6. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy with Dr John Krumboltz (1998 Video)

    Sale, Videocassette. VHS (NTSC). col. 100 min., 1999 sale: US$89.95 (+p&p)

    John Krumboltz shows cognitive-behavioural therapy involves learning to shape one’s life through the modification of thoughts and behaviours. This therapy is an action-oriented approach used for handling...

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  7. Managing Oppositional Youth: Effective, Practical Strategies for Managing the Behavior of Hard to Manage Kids and Teens! (1999 Video)

    Education; Psychology
    Out of Distribution, Videocassette. VHS. col. 53 min., 2000 sale: US$38.00 (+p&p) 2001 sale: £32.00 (inc VAT +p&p)

    Reviews many of the causes of oppositional, strong-willed behaviour in children and teenagers and shows how parents and teachers can help hard-to-manage children at home and at school.

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  8. Ethics in Biomedical Research (2006)

    Biology; Medical sciences; Philosophy
    Sale, DVD (Region 1, 80 minutes), free

    What constitutes ethical behavior in biomedical research? How does a researcher navigate the many complex issues modern science presents? These are some of the questions posed in this four-part presentation...

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  9. Thinking Allowed- Philosophy for Children (2004)

    aka: Thinking Together - Philosophy for Children

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 35 minutes), £34.09

    In a Philosophy for Children session, a teacher uses a story, a picture, a news item or a piece of music to stimulate thinking and imagination. Children are encouraged to express their thoughts and emotions,...

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  10. B F Skinner and Behavior Change (1975 Video)

    aka: B F Skinner on Behaviour Change: Research, Practice and Promise

    Philip Blake
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS (PAL). col. 45 min., 1997 sale: US$529.00 (+p&p) (Insight)

    Dr B F Skinner and a group of social scientists discuss the history, theory, ethics and applications of behaviourism and demonstrate theory and practice in various settings - educational marital counselling...

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