British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Ill Met by Moonlight (2018 Television)

    aka: Series 1: Episode 10

    Shakespeare and Hathaway - Private Investigators
    Piotr Szkopiak
    Ella Kelly

    When the disappearance of an expensive necklace coincides with the disappearance of an aristocrat’s errant daughter, Shakespeare and Hathaway are called upon to investigate.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  2. Will (2017 Television)

    Shekhar Karpur
    Craig Pearce

    'Will’ is 10-part drama series about the lost years of the young William Shakespeare. From his arrival in London as an unknown, the series chronicles his rise to become the greatest dramatist in England...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  3. Philosopher Cat: The Green-Eyed Monster (2013 Video)

    Philosopher Cat
    Joe Rubenstein

    Wed-based series which follows the adventures of Roxanne the Russian Blue as she grapples with the basic problems of existence from the confines of a New York City apartment. Assisted by her supercomputer...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  4. Gnomeo & Juliet (2011 Film)

    aka: Gnomeo and Juliet

    Kelly Asbury
    Baker Bloodworth; David Furnish; Elton John; Steve Hamilton Shaw

    CGI 3D animated feature film. Garden gnomes Gnomeo (voice of McAvoy) and Juliet (voice of Blunt) have as many obstacles to overcome as their quasi namesakes when they are caught up in a feud between...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  5. Dr Seuss V William Shakespeare (2011 Video)

    Epic Rap Battles of History
    Dave McCary
    Micker Meyer

    A YouTube video series that pits famous historical, pop culture, or fictional characters against one another in rap battle format.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  6. Midsummer Night’s Rewrite, A (2006 Film, Multimedia)

    Barry Langer
    Barry Langer; Cameron R. Penn; Alvarez Wortham

    Comedy short. Imagines what writing Elizabethan comedy would have been like if Shakespeare was the head writer in a big television network producing sitcoms and dealing with demanding divas, pestering...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  7. Waste of Shame, A (2005 Television)

    John McKay
    Chrissy Skinns

    A drama exploring the ‘love triangle’ described in Shakespeare’s sonnets - the identity of the Dark Lady, the Fair Youth and Mr WH. Writer William Boyd comments, "the lustful, misogynistic tone of the...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  8. Hamlet_x (2003 Film)

    Herbert Fritsch

    A multimedia film project directed by Herbert Fritsch based on Hamlet. According to the director’s own synopsis of this rather rhizomatic undertaking, the playtext was initially divided into 111 basic...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  9. Shakespeare’s Dilemma (2003 Film)

    John C. Lyons

    Independent short. A parody on office politics. Set in a time when the economy is struggling, the film focuses on a technology department that must prove that they are a valuable resource to the company. The...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
  10. Gratuitous Sex and Violence: Shakespeare 1601 AD (2002 Multimedia, Television)

    History Bites, Series

    Canadian comedy sketch show based on the premise ‘what if television had been around for the past 5,000 years’. Each episode explores a particular day in history and the result is a history lesson....

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions Online Online
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