British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Romeo and Juliet (1978 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Judith Bumpus

    A personal introduction to the play by Peggy Ashcroft, who talks about her first attempt at the role of Juliet as a twenty-three year old in John Gielgud’s first production for the Oxford University...

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  2. Richard II (1978 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Judith Bumpus

    A personal introduction to the play and its characters by Ian Richardson.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  3. As You Like It (1978 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Judith Bumpus

    A personal introduction to the play by Janet Suzman.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  4. Henry VIII (1979 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Judith Bumpus

    A personal introduction to the play and its qualities by Donald Sinden, who played the title role in the 1969 Royal Shakespeare Company production directed by Trevor Nunn.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  5. Henry IV. Part 1 (1979 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Alan Wilding

    A personal introduction to the play and its characters by Michael Redgrave.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  6. Henry V (1979 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Alan Wilding

    A personal introduction to the play by Robert Hardy.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  7. Julius Caesar (1979 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Judith Bumpus

    A personal introduction to the play and its characters by Ronald Pickup.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  8. Henry IV. Part 2 (1979 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Alan Wilding

    A personal introduction to the play by Anthony Quayle, who played Falstaff in the BBC TV Shakespeare productions of 1 and 2 Henry IV.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  9. Measure for Measure (1979 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Judith Bumpus

    A personal introduction to the play by Judi Dench.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
  10. Taming of the Shrew, The (1980 Radio)

    Prefaces to Shakespeare
    Gordon Hutchings

    A personal view of the play presented by actress Paola Dionisotti, who played Katherina in Michael Bogdanov’s celebrated 1978 Royal Shakespeare Company production.

    Shakespeare Shakespeare Shakespeare productions Shakespeare productions To order To order
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