British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Twelfth Night (BBC, 1974)

    Twelfth Night; or, What You Will by William Shakespeare
    David Giles

    1974 BBC production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, set in Regency Yorkshire and filmed on location at Castle Howard.

  2. Dream Girl (BBC, 1960)

    Dream Girl by Elmer Rice (1892-1967)
    BBC Television (Saturday Playhouse)
    Eric Fawcett

    1960 BBC production of Dream Girl by Elmer Rice.

  3. Dear Octopus (BBC, 1960)

    Dear Octopus by Dodie [Dorothy Gladys] Smith (1896-1990)
    BBC Television (Twentieth Century Theatre)
    Chloe Gibson

    1960 BBC production of Dear Octopus by Dodie Smith, from the BBC’s Midland studio.

  4. Julius Caesar (BBC, 1959)

    Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Television World Theatre)
    Stuart Burge

    1959 BBC Television production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

  5. The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial (BBC, 1958)

    The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial by Herman Wouk
    BBC Television (Sunday-Night Theatre)
    Alvin Rakoff

    BBC Television production of Herman Wouk’s The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial.

  6. Strange Interlude, Part 2 (BBC, 1958)

    Strange Interlude by Eugene O’Neill
    BBC Television (Television World Theatre)
    John Jacobs

    This 1958 BBC production of Eugene O’Neill’s Strange Interlude, which is set in America just after the First World War, was presented in two parts, on two Sunday evenings (23 and 30 March 1958).

  7. Background (BBC, 1958)

    Background by Warren Chetham-Strode (1896-1974)
    BBC Television
    Campbell Logan

    1958 BBC Television production of Background by Warren Chetham-Strode

  8. Strange Interlude, Part 1 (BBC, 1958)

    Strange Interlude by Eugene O’Neill
    BBC Television (Television World Theatre)
    John Jacobs

    This BBC production of Eugene O’Neill’s Strange Interlude, which is set in America just after the First World War, was presented in two parts, on two Sunday evenings (23 and 30 March 1958).

  9. Johnny Belinda (Granada Television, 1958)

    Johnny Belinda by Elmer Harris
    ITV (Play of the Week)
    Cliff Owen

    1958 Granada Television production for ITV of Johnny Belinda by Elmer Harris.

  10. The Trial of Mary Dugan (BBC, 1957)

    The Trial of Mary Dugan by Bayard Veiller
    BBC Television
    Douglas Allen

    BBC production of Bayard Veiller’s The Trial of Mary Dugan.

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