British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Othello (BBC, 1955)

    Othello by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television
    Tony Richardson

    This BBC Television production of Othello, directed by Tony Richardson and starring Gordon Heath as Othello, Rosemary Harris as Desdemona and Paul Rogers as Iago, is the earliest production of Shakespeare on...

  2. Kathleen (BBC, 1955)

    Kathleen by Michael Sayers
    BBC Television
    Barbara Burnham

    This romantic comedy, Kathleen by Michael Sayers (a.k.a. Michael Connor), was produced by Barbara Burnham for BBC Television.

  3. The Comedy of Errors (BBC, 1954)

    The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television
    Lionel Harris

    1954 live studio production by BBC Television of a musical adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play The Comedy of Errors. This adaptation was also broadcast from the Arts Theatre by ITV in 1956.

  4. They Got What They Wanted (BBC, 1954)

    They Got What They Wanted by Louis d’Alton
    BBC Television
    Eric Fawcett

    1954 live BBC studio production of Louis d’Alton’s Irish comedy They Got What They Wanted.

  5. The Shop at Sly Corner (BBC, 1953)

    The Shop at Sly Corner by Edward Percy
    BBC Television
    Lionel Harris

    1953 BBC live studio production of Edward Percy’s thriller The Shop at Sly Corner.