British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Celebration (BBC, 1965)

    The Wedding by Willis Hall (1929-2005) and Keith Waterhouse
    Mary Ridge

    1965 BBC studio production of Willis Hall and Keith Waterhouse’s northern comedy.

  2. The Strong are Lonely (Granada Television, 1958)

    The Strong are Lonely [Das Heilige Experiment] by Fritz Hochwälder (1911-1986)
    ITV (Play of the Week)
    Julian Amyes

    Granada Television production for ITV of The Strong are Lonely, an English version of Das Heilige Experiment by Fritz Hochwälder.

  3. Britannia of Billingsgate (BBC, 1958)

    Britannia of Billingsgate by Christine Jope-Slade and Sewell Stokes
    BBC Television (Saturday Playhouse)
    Adrian Brown

    1958 BBC Television production of Britannia of Billingsgate by Christine Jope-Slade and Sewell Stokes.

  4. The Life of Henry the Fifth (BBC, 1957)

    King Henry V by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television (Television World Theatre)
    Peter Dews

    BBC Television production of The Life of Henry the Fifth by Shakespeare.

  5. The Mystery of the Mary Celeste (BBC, 1956)

    The Mystery of the Mary Celeste by L. [Lawrence] du Garde Peach (1890-1974)
    BBC Television
    Adrian Waller

    BBC Television production of The Mystery of the Mary Celeste.

  6. The Scandalous Affair of Mr Kettle and Mrs Moon [excerpt] (BBC, 1955)

    The Scandalous Affair of Mr Kettle and Mrs Moon by J. B. Priestley (1894-1984)
    BBC Television
    Tony Richardson

    A BBC presentation of a 45-minute excerpt from a current production of J. B. Priestley’s new comedy The Scandalous Affair of Mr Kettle and Mrs Moon performed ‘before an invited audience from the Duchess...

  7. Golden Boy (BBC, 1953)

    Golden Boy by Clifford Odets (1906-1963)
    BBC Television
    Julian Amyes

    1953 BBC studio production of Clifford Odets’ drama Golden Boy.

  8. The Affair at Assino (BBC, 1953)

    The Affair at Assino by N. C. [Norman Charles] Hunter (1908-1971)
    BBC Television
    Julian Amyes

    1953 BBC live studio production of N. C. Hunter’s drama The Affair at Assino, set in pre-war Italy.

  9. Androcles and the Lion (BBC, 1951)

    Androcles and the Lion by [George] Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
    BBC Television
    Desmond Davis

    1951 BBC studio production of George Bernard Shaw’s Androcles and the Lion, a retelling of the fable set in ancient Rome.

  10. Justice (BBC, 1950)

    Justice by John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
    BBC Television (Sunday-Night Theatre)
    Harold Clayton

    1950 BBC production of Justice by John Galsworthy.

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