British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. The School for Scandal (BBC, 1959)

    The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)
    BBC Television (Television World Theatre)
    Hal Burton

    1959 BBC Television production of The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan.

  2. The Land of Promise (BBC, 1958)

    The Land of Promise by W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)
    BBC Television (Sunday-Night Theatre)
    Hal Burton

    BBC Television production of Somerset Maugham’s The Land of Promise.

  3. Peace and Quiet (BBC, 1957)

    Peace and Quiet by Serafín Álvarez Quintero (1871-1938) and Joaquin Álvarez Quintero (1873-1944)
    BBC Television
    Brandon Acton-Bond

    BBC production of Peace and Quiet, the Spanish drama La Escondida Senda, adapted to an English setting and transmitted from the BBC’s West of England studio.

  4. The Lark (BBC, 1956)

    The Lark [L’Alouette] by Jean Anouilh (1910-1987)
    BBC Television (Sunday-Night Theatre)
    Julian Amyes

    This BBC production of Jean Anouilh’s The Lark, a play about the life and trial of Joan of Arc, was accompanied by a radio version (with a different cast) broadcast on the BBC Third Programme on the...

  5. Wild Decembers (BBC, 1956)

    Wild Decembers by Clemence Dane (1888-1965)
    BBC Television
    Chloe Gibson

    BBC Television production of Clemence Dane’s Wild Decembers.

  6. Six Characters in Search of an Author (BBC, 1954)

    Six Characters in Search of an Author [Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore] by Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)
    BBC Television
    Royston Morley

    1954 BBC live outside broadcast from the Library Theatre, Manchester of Pirandello’s drama Six Characters in Search of an Author. ‘Tonight’s production is designed for television but is broadcast from...

  7. The Yellow Jacket (BBC, 1948)

    The Yellow Jacket by George C. Hazelton and J. Harry Benrimo
    BBC Television (For Older Children)
    Douglas Allen

    1948 BBC live studio production of The Yellow Jacket, ‘a Chinese play in the Chinese manner’ by George C. Hazelton and J. Harry Benrimo, based on the stage production by Yvonne Le Dain.