British Universities Film & Video Council

moving image and sound, knowledge and access


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  1. Othello (BBC, 1955)

    Othello by William Shakespeare
    BBC Television
    Tony Richardson

    This BBC Television production of Othello, directed by Tony Richardson and starring Gordon Heath as Othello, Rosemary Harris as Desdemona and Paul Rogers as Iago, is the earliest production of Shakespeare on...

  2. Happy and Glorious, Part 6: 1891-1900 (BBC, 1952)

    Victoria Regina by Laurence Housman (1865-1959)
    BBC Television
    Desmond Davis

    1952 BBC production of Victoria Regina, Laurence Housman’s dramatised biography of Queen Victoria, produced live from the studio and transmitted in six parts.

  3. The Wanderer (BBC, 1952)

    The Wanderer by Guido Cantini
    BBC Television
    Fred O’Donovan (1889-1952)

    1952 BBC live studio production of Guido Cantini’s drama The Wanderer.

  4. Saint Joan (BBC, 1951)

    Saint Joan by [George] Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
    BBC Television (Festival Drama)
    Val Gielgud; Kevin Sheldon

    1951 live BBC studio production of George Bernard Shaw’s drama Saint Joan, mounted to mark the opening of the Festival of Britain.

  5. The SIlver Box (BBC, 1949)

    The SIlver Box by John Galsworthy (1867-1933)
    BBC Television
    Fred O’Donovan (1889-1952)

    1949 BBC live studio production of John Galsworthy’s drama The SIlver Box.

  6. Sun Up (BBC, 1949)

    Sun Up by Lula Wollmer (1898-1955)
    BBC Television
    George More O’Ferrall (1907-1982)

    1939 BBC studio production of Lula Wollmer’s American folk drama Sun Up, which was Sybil Thorndike’s television debut.

  7. The Queen’s Husband (BBC, 1946)

    The Queen’s Husband by Robert E. Sherwood (1896-1955)
    BBC Television
    George More O’Ferrall (1907-1982)

    1946 BBC live studio production of Robert E. Sherwood’s romantic comedy The Queen’s Husband, based on Maurice Colbourne’s original 1931 production at the Ambassadors’ Theatre, London (Radio Times, 6...

  8. The Ringer (BBC, 1946)

    The Ringer by Edgar Wallace (1875-1932)
    BBC Television
    Royston Morley

    1946 live BBC studio production of Edgar Wallace’s thriller The Ringer, which was a popular drama on television before the war.

  9. The Insect Play (BBC, 1939)

    The Insect Play [Ze života hmyzu] by Karel apek and Josef apek
    BBC Television
    Stephen Thomas

    1939 BBC studio production of Karel and Josef Capek’s fantasy The Insect Play.

  10. A Marriage Has Been Arranged (BBC, 1939)

    A Marriage Has Been Arranged by Alfred Sutro (1863-1933)
    BBC Television
    Michael Barry

    1939 BBC Television studio production of Alfred Sutro’s one-act drama A Marriage Has Been Arranged.

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