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  1. Mac and the Atom (BBC, 1953)

    Mac and the Atom by Eric Nicol (1919-2011)
    BBC Television (Wednesday Theatre)
    Patrick Harvey

    1953 BBC live studio production of Eric Nicol’s one-act Canadian drama Mac and the Atom.

  2. Mystery Story (BBC, 1952)

    Mystery Story by Stanley Young
    BBC Television
    Douglas Allen

    1952 BBC live studio production of Stanley Young’s science fiction play Mystery Song, adapted for television by Nigel Kneale.

  3. Dinner at Eight (BBC, 1951)

    Dinner at Eight by Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman
    BBC Television
    Eric Fawcett

    1951 BBC studio production of the comedy Dinner at Eight by George Kaufman and Edna Ferber.