A Matter of Scale


Series Name
Babcock Review


Issue No.
Date Released
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1A Matter of Scale
  2. 2Slurry for Steam
  3. 3Steam goes Supersonic


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 3
Babcock and Wilcox synopsis: Model-making can be much more than a hobby, models both simple and complex being widely used in industry for planning, for training and for demonstration. We pay a visit to the Northampton works of Bassett Lowke Ltd., the well-known model makers, and see under construction models of marine tankers, of the Castle Donington power station and on the Renfrew works of Babcock & Wilcox. This impressive model, showing within a space 16 ft. by 9 ft. the layout of a vast works occupying, in fact, a site of 165 acres, is later seen in use at Renfrew, against the background of the actual works which it represents in such surprising detail.
Researcher Comments
This story was originally made for Home and Away issue 7.
Engineering; Toys and models
Written sources
Synopses of the Babcock Film Magazines booklet   p14. Used for synopsis
Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.
Production Co.
Technical & Scientific Films Ltd.

Record Stats

This record has been viewed 198 times.