
Series Name
Mining Review 13th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Apr 1960
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 135 YEARS AFTER
  3. 3EAST WeymSS
  4. 4LOT 150


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 4
BFI synopsis: Eastwood, birthplace of D.H. Lawrence, son of a miner, whose "Sons and Lovers" is being filmed there.
NCB Commentary - D. H. Lawrence, writer of genius and son of a miner, was born at Eastwood, Nottingham almost 75 years ago - his birth place is unchanged.
Even Mrs. Doy who lives there now, has a link with Lawrence, her father used to work with his at Brinsley Colliery and is mentioned in ‘Sons and Lovers’. Other landmarks remain unchanged. The corner house in the breech where he lived as a child.
And only the ash-tips have vanished from the alleyway between the houses.
Felly Mill Pond was mentioned in his early novel ‘The White Peacock’ and Haggs Farm, home of Lawrence’s first love.
This is Moorgreen Reservoir - the Nethermere of ‘The White Peacock’. This countryside became the background of several of his novels.
Brinsley Colliery no longer produces coal but recently it came to life again when ‘Sons and Lovers’, Lawrences famous autobiographical novel was being turned into a film. Local people, many of them from mining families became actors to help recreate a mining disaser - John Cardiff was Director.
A soup kitchen was on the spot - it was a very cold day.
Dean Stockwell and Heather Sears lead the cast. Stockwell plays Paul Morel, whom Lawrence modelled on himself. Wendy Hiller, another of the stars, discusses a scene with Cardiff. Then it’s ready for a take.
Action! And the local actors jump to it producing a scene which will be one of the highlights of the film. Brinsley Colliery. which played so great a part in forming a background to Lawrence’s character becomes again a pit in the news.
Researcher Comments
Commentary recorded 25th February 1960.
Mining; Cinema; Writers; Scenery and travel
England; Nottinghamshire
Written sources
British Film Institute Databases   Used for synopsis
The National Archives COAL 32   /12 Scripts for Mining Review, 1956-1960
Production Co.
Documentary Technicians Alliance
National Coal Board

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