
Series Name
Mining Review 12th Year


Issue No.
Date Released
Dec 1958
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1IN THE BAG


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
BFI synopsis: Durham University awards honorary degrees to Sir James Bowman and Harold MacMillan.
NCB Commentary - Kings Hall, Newcastle is to be the scene of academic pageantry, enlivened by the customary students’ demonstration in the precincts.
The occasion the installation of the Earl of Scarborough as Chancellor of Durham University, and the conferment of Honorary Degrees.
Sir James Bowman, Chairman of the National Coal Board, is one of the graduands. Field Marshall Lord Harding was to accept a degree at a later ceremony in Durham.
In all, seven distinguished men were to be honoured at the morning ceremony in Newcastle. Among them was the Prime Mininster.
To the sound of trumpets the Chancellor’s procession moves up the crowded hall. After being welcomed by the Vice-Chancellor the Earl of Scarborough makes his declaration.
And now the ceremony of the conferment of Honourary Degrees.
After the Norwegian Ambassador and the Duke of Northumberland had been honoured came the turn of Sir James Bowman.
For 60 year old Sir James it’s particularly appropriate that this honour should have come from the University stied in the part of the country where he has spent so much of his working life.
The last word on this happy occasion of academic splendour was spoken by the University’s new Chancellor.
Researcher Comments
Commentary recorded 3rd November 1958.
Education and training; Ceremonies; Awards and honours
England; Durham; County Durham
Written sources
British Film Institute Databases   Used for synopsis
The National Archives COAL 32   /12 Scripts for Mining Review, 1956-1960
Production Co.
Documentary Technicians Alliance
National Coal Board

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