Football League Cup Final. Norwich V Tottenham Hotspur


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
8 Mar 1973
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1National Cross Country Race
  2. 2Viareggio Carnival Centenary
  3. 3Football League Cup Final. Norwich V Tottenham Hotspur


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 3
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Football League Cup Final - Norwich City V Tottenham Hotspur. DESCRIPTION: The Soccer League Cup Final between Norwich and Tottenham Hotspur. A win for Spurs, the score 1 - nil. A crowd of 100,000 cheer the teams efforts. SHOTLIST: GV zoom in teams coming onto pitch. MS crowd. MCU Martin Peters leading out the Spurs team, they walk past camera. CU Norwich banner. MCU Duncan Forbes leading Norwich. BV teams onto pitch. MCU referee putting ball on centre spot. MS Forbes tossing up, Peters, referee and linesmen watching. TS Norwich kick off left to right. LAS Norwich kick ball high in Spurs penalty area but Cyril Knowles clears. TS Spurs attack, Pearce passes a long ball to Peters whose pass is intercepted by Livermore, he passes to Butler. LAS high ball being chased by Cross & Mike England, England heads ball, then Cross & England fall over. MCU Pat Jennings Spurs goalkeeper. CU Jennings taking goal kick. TS ball goes to Spurs player who passes to Kinnear who then passes to the wing. MS Kevin Keelan Norwich ‘keeper. LAS high cross into the Norwich penalty area and Peters heads just past the post. MS crowd clapping. TS John Pratt tackles Paddon & injures himself. TS Ralph Coates coming on. MCU Jennings. LAS Kinnear miss heads a high ball and Blair heads into middle of penalty but England clears. TS Coates makes a run down the right wing & crosses. LAS Keelan misses the cross and a Spurs player heads for goal but a Norwich defender heads off the line. LAS a high ball into Norwich area is headed down by Forbes, Coates intercepts & passes. TS Steve Perryman passes to Peters who returned the pass to Perryman, who then passes to the wing. LAS high cross into Norwich area, Alan Gilzean heads, but a foul is given against him. LS zoom into scoreboard Norwich 0, Spurs 0 - HALF TIME. LS zoom in Spurs kick off. TS Coates attacks from right wing & passes to Peters, who then crosses and a Spurs player shoots just wide. TS Spurs player crosses but Norwich gets the ball and attacks up centre of field, but Coates wins back the ball. LAS Coates attacks down centre of field & shoots. TS Coates attacks down right wing & crosses, but the final shot misses. CU Spurs supporters. TS Coates attacking down middle passes to Peters who then passes out to wing. TS Martin Chivers takes a long throw into Norwich area, ball is partly cleared & Ralph Coates gets ball on the edge of area and hammers the ball into goal. MS scoreboard Norwich 0, Spurs 1. MS Spurs players congratulating Coates. MCU Coates shanking hands with Norwich players. MS Peters gets the cup and holds it up. MCU players about to do lap of honour. MS Peters & Coates with cup, pan round to BV.
London; England; Wembley
Card file number
Denis White
Leonard Martin
Ronald E. Collins
Stan Goozee
Length of story (in feet)
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