Royal Visit to Isle of Man


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
7 Aug 1972
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Royal Visit to Isle of Man
  2. 2Gibraltar Minister & Home
  3. 3Olympic Flame
  4. 4Pope on Summer Vacation
  5. 5Peach Festival
  6. 6Colour: Jersey Battle of the Flowers


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 6
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Royal Visit to Isle of Man. DESCRIPTION: The Queen visits the Isle of Man for the first time in 17 years, a Bank Holiday was declared. During her visit, the Queen took a tram ride on Douglas’ famous horse drawn trams, she spoke to many people and a large number of children. SHOTLIST: GV royal yacht just off shore in Douglas Bay. TV, royal launch approaching pier. AS crowds watching and waving flags. STV Queen walking up steps from Victoria Pier with Lieutenant Governor Sir Peter HG Stallard. SV brownies waving flags. SV Queen inspecting cubs. SV tram driver stroking horse. LV as Queen and party board tram. GV towards horse drawn tram carrying Queen and party. SV pan ditto as tram stops near Sefton Hotel. SV crowds cheering. LV Queen gets out of tram. SV Queen and Duke talking to driver & looking at horse. SV children waving flags. SV pan as Queen walks along past crowd. LV ditto as she stops to talk to crowd. SLV pan Prince Philip talking to crowd. SV Queen signing visitor’s book with Mayor of Douglas watching. GV guides lined up in front of crowd. LV royal party on dais. GV kids dressed as policemen lining route. GV pan various dignitaries filing past dais. SV 2 army cadets march past. GV various dignitaries lined up in front of dais.
Isle of Man
Card file number
Godfrey Kenneth Hanshaw
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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