Colour: Princess Anne in Jersey


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
29 May 1972
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Concorde Signing
  2. 2Spaghetti Junction on Motorway
  3. 3Birmingham’s Lord Mayor
  4. 4Colour: Chelsea & Dutch Flower Show
  5. 5Colour: Princess Anne in Jersey


Story No. within this Issue
5 / 5
Section Title
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Princess Anne in Jersey. DESCRIPTION: Jersey, Channel Islands, the tax haven just off the French coast, welcomed Princess Anne for a short Royal Tour. Her Royal Highness opened a new science wing at Victoria College, she saw an equestrian display and met Gerald Durrell, Chairman of the Jersey Zoo, who told her about the new gorilla complex there. The tour ended with a Royal banquet and a firework display. SHOTLIST: GV Britannia anchored off Jersey coast. SV navy cadets and marine cadets lined up on quay. LV ship’s launch with Anne comes into harbour. STV as launch comes alongside quay. SCU Governor of Jersey Air Chief Marshal Sir John Davis waiting to welcome Anne. TV Anne steps ashore and is greeted by Davis. Angle shot crowds watching and cheering. SV pan Princess Anne receives bouquet from Caroline Bendell 11 years old. CU sea cadets. SV old coaches going past during riding school display. SCU Anne watching. SLV pan 3 riders past during riding school display. SCU Princess Anne watching. SLV pan three riders past. SV Anne presents rosettes to riders pan as one horse pulls away backwards with officials hanging onto it. SV Anne talking to rider. SV crowds watching. SCU pull back to SV Anne presenting rosette and talking to rider. CU woman in crowd taking picture. Travel shot from car in procession, school kids along route to Victoria college. LV Victoria College angle shot Royal Standard flying from college tower. LV new science block. SV pull back and pan as Anne unveils plaque This Building Was Opened By HRH Princess Anne 22 May 1972. CU Anne. SV Anne talking to pupil pan down to electronic equipment on bench. CU electronics equipment. SLV Anne standing in Land Rover at head of motorcade on way to zoo along sea front. Travel shot kids waving and cheering. SV pan Anne in Land Rover. Travel shot kids waving and cheering. SLV Anne with Gerald Durrell looking at gorilla complex. SV Anne & Durrell looking through window of complex. SV pan & zoom in gorilla cage. SCU Anne talking to Durrell. SV zoom in orang-utan with baby. SCU Anne looking at baby Sellebese monkey which is being held by Durrell. LV fireworks at night. LV Anne arrives for banquet and fireworks display. GV pan firework display. SCU Anne watching. GV fireworks.
Channel Islands
Card file number
Leonard Martin
Reginald William Smith
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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