World Cup - Wales Weaken Russia’s Hopes


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
1 Nov 1965
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Marines Honour Mountbatten
  2. 2Ski on a Hairbrush
  3. 3World Cup - Wales Weaken Russia’s Hopes
  4. 4Sport Abroad
  5. 5The Skilful Art of Chop-Chop


Story No. within this Issue
3 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: World Cup Wales Weaken Russia’s Hopes. DESCRIPTION: At Ninian Park, Wales meet Russia, who’ve already gained a place in the finals of the World Cup. The final score was 2 - 1 to Wales - the first team to beat Russia in the current cup contest. SHOTLIST: MS Wales captain tosses coin. MCU boys in crowd. GV Wales kick off. MCU boys in crowd. GV Wales attacking and shoot at goal. Russian goalie saves. MS crowd. GV Russia obtain possession of ball and run toward Wales goal. MS crowd. GV Russia score 1st goal. Pan to players running back up pitch. TS crowd cheering. GV Russian with ball on half way line, Wales obtain possession. MS boys with Wales on banner. GV Wales take free kick and Roy Vernon heads ball into net, for Wale 1st goal, pan players up field. TS crowd cheering. GV Wales attacking in 2nd half and shoot at goal, ball over net. MS crowd. GV Russia No 11 with ball on half way line, he passes ball and Wales obtain possession. TS crowd. GV Wales attacking and shoot, Russian goalie scores twice. MS crowd. GV Wales attacking down left wing. GV Wales score 2nd goal. TS crowd. GV crowd rushing onto field at final whistle. Players mentioned in the commentary:- Banishevsky, Rodrigues, Mike England, Ron Rees, Barrie Hole. Colin Green, Roy Vernon, Meskhi, Ivor Allchurch.
Sport; Football
Cardiff; Wales; Ninian Park
Card file number
Godfrey Kenneth Hanshaw
John Mould
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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