News in Colour: Silverstone


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
25 Jul 1963
Date submitted
20 Jul 1963
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1White City Horse Show
  2. 2Top of the Town
  3. 3Shepherdess Style of Autumn
  4. 4News in Colour: Silverstone


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 4
Section Title
News in Colour
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: News in Colour (Silverstone) (In Colour) British Grand Prix. DESCRIPTION: A record hundred and fifteen thousand went to Silverstone to see the British Grand Prix. But before that, they saw Jet 1, the world’s first gas-turbine car, leading a demonstration-run by these revolutionary Rovers. Two hundred and forty six miles - 82 laps. Jim Clark’s Lotus-Climax out in front. Dan Gurney, driving a Brabham-Climax was on his tail until engine trouble caught up with him. The battle for second position was between Graham Hill in a BRM fighting it out with John Surtees’ Ferrari. Jim Clark still showing real championship form. Hill was trying to catch Clark - but his engine splutters and Surtees takes over. Jim Clark won and leads by 19 points for the World Championships. SHOTLIST: Key scene. GV crowd in stands. GV crowd. MLS same. CU crowd (2 shots). MS Rover Jet 1. MS another jet car. MS Rover BRM. CU same. CU Graham Hill in same. GV crowd. GV demonstration by jet cars. GV Rover BRM. GV jet car. MS pan Rover BRM. LS pan Jose Canga (Simca) drives on 2 wheels. GV same round bend. MS same. CU horns. CU car number 8. CU driver Jack Brabham. CU car number 4. CU driver Jim Clark. GV pan start of race. GV cars round bend. GV along straight and under bridge. MLS pan number 4. MLS pan number 9. CU man with camera. MS number 9 goes into pit. GV pan car number 1. MS car number 10. CU crowd. GV number 1 takes lead from number 10. GV number 20. MS number 4. CU number 3, GV number 10 leads mass of cars. CU number 11. GV straight. MS number 1. MS number 10. MS number 4. GV chequered flag - Jim Clark wins. CU crowd. CU man with camera. MS Jim Clark receives trophy. CU same with trophy. End title. Winners: Jim Clark - Number 4, John Surtees - Number 9, Graham Hill - Number 1.
Sport; Vehicles; Motor racing
Northamptonshire; Silverstone
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Norman Fisher
Ronald E. Collins
Length of story (in feet)
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