Tanganyika - Independent This Year


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
6 Apr 1961
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Cambridge Victorious
  2. 2Tanganyika - Independent This Year
  3. 3New Guinea - Step by Step
  4. 4The Bomb Banners
  5. 5Easter Parade
  6. *Celtic for the Final

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
2 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Tanganyika - Independent This Year. DESCRIPTION: At the Constitutional Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, the Colonial Secretary, Mr Macleod, announced this good news: internal self-government for Tanganyika in May and full independence on December the 28th of this year. Mr Julius Nyerere, who now becomes Prime Minister, expressed his pleasure and invited Mr Macleod to Independence Day Celebrations. But celebrations over the announcement began at once. SHOTLIST: Key scene. GV Constitutional Conference in Dar-es-Salaam. MS Colonial Secretary, Mr Macleod at mike speaking. MS same. MS same announcing Tanganyika’s Independence. GV members of the conference clapping. MS Mr Julius Nyerere speaking at mike. GV conference. MS Mr Nyerere. MS crowds outside being told the news and cheering. GV crowd jumping for joy. MS Mr Nyerere holds up banner Complete Independence 1961. MS same. Various shots of Mr Nyerere holding banner and being carried above the crowd. GV crowds. MS Mr Nyerere takes off garland from around his neck and throws it to the crowd. GV crowds holding palms. MS Mr Nyerere throws another garland. GV crowds celebrating. GV same. GV procession of jeeps through streets with Mr Nyerere waving to crowds. MS jeep with Mr Nyerere in. MS Mr Nyerere waving to crowd - Rex Hotel in background. GV crowds celebrating. GV same.
Politics and government
Card file number
Geoffrey Sumner
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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