Nautilus Under the Pole


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
14 Aug 1958
Date Other
Aug 1958
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Princess Margaret Home
  2. 2Tanker Ablaze
  3. 3News from Malaya
  4. 4Premier Calls on Cyprus
  5. 5Nautilus Under the Pole
  6. *Children Adopt Ship

* Story has local or special distribution


Story No. within this Issue
5 / 5
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Nautilus Under the Pole. DESCRIPTION: Atom powered Submarine’s history making voyage under the North Pole. SHOTLIST: GV Nautilus at sea (above waves) (x2). MS interior crew in control area (x6). CU control gear (x2). MCU officer giving briefing, pointing at map. MS crew seated at briefing. MS officer. MS Nautilus. MS view from conning tower of bow submerging. AV Nautilus submerging. Still map of North Pole. AV polar ice cap (x3). CU ridges of ice. Still map of North Pole. TS view from conning tower of bow through water. AV Nautilus re-surfacing (x2). GV Nautilus making her way into Portland Harbour. GV through entrance of harbour. 2 shots tugs in welcome. GV dockyard. MS Nautilus towards camera with crew on deck. GV dockyard workers wave from bank. MS Nautilus towards. MCU Commander Anderson in conning tower. MCU commemorative flag. MCU sailor with rope. GV Nautilus alongside (x2). GV US Ambassador Mr John Hay Whitney going aboard. GV Ambassador on board (x2). MS Ambassador says Your country is proud of you. You are the latest of a great breed, the American pioneer. GV Nautilus with crew and Ambassador on deck. MS rating by US flag.
Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Environment; Ceremonies; Navy; Military; Nuclear energy; Exploration and explorers; Awards and honours
Dorset; Onboard; Portland Naval Base
Footage sources
United States of America
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
Story extras:

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