The Middle East in Turmoil


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
21 Jul 1958
Date submitted
21 Jul 1958
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1The Middle East in Turmoil


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 1
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Middle East in Turmoil. DESCRIPTION: A brief survey of the Middle East and its great oil wells, together with the long series of crisis in one country after another, leading up to the present situation: rebellion in the Lebanon, revolution in Iraq, and the plot against Jordan. Finally, the landing of American Marines near Beirut and the dispatch of British troops to Amman. SHOTLIST: GV desert with oil pipes. CU map fade to GV valley. GV desert. MS river with oxen. LS oil fires. Closer same. CU oil seeping out. Closer same. GV desert oil well. CU machinery in oil well. CU man watches. CU plate spinning. MS Arabs. CU Arab. LS oil pipe. Closer same. MS pipe line. Pipe going into refinery. MS refinery. Same. Same by night. MS refinery. GV crowd. CU Nasser speaks. Crowd. LS crowd from behind Nasser. MS Glubb Pasha salutes and enters building. MS soldiers on horseback. CU Pasha. CU map. LS lorries in desert. Track shot lorry passes camera. Tank. Closer same. LS army in desert. MS guns in desert. Closer same. CU soldiers slip pan to MS landing craft, MS ship rolls. LS transport in flight. CU paratroopers jumping. GV bombs land. LS building across water. LS looking astern of ship at smoke. GV aerial docks. Aerial shot ship sunk in canal. Sunk ship from water level. Funnel above water. Aerial shot ships being sunk. CU map. LS flags on buildings. CU Nasser and Kuwatli of Syria sign pact papers. CU Nasser. CU Kuwatli. Track Nasser and Kuwatli in car. LS same. CU King Feisal, Feisal & Hussein talking. CU Hussein. MS Feisal and Hussein talk. LS aerial building CU soldiers with flags. Soldiers salute. Feisal and Crown Prince down steps. MS they get in open coach. CU same. LS they drive off. CU map. MS street barriers. LS street - tank in foreground. CU man behind barrier and gun. MS men behind wall. CU men lying on sacks take aim. MS soldier takes aim. LS barrier. CU man behind wall with gun. MS man peers round corner. CU man in building with machine gun. LS man runs across street. MS men jump into trench. LS tank on corner. MS man takes aim. MS tank. MS men jump over barrier. LS big ship. Closer under bows. MS two ships side by side. TS ships under way (5). CU man with field glasses. LS pan ships at sea. LS fleet at anchor. CU Marines. LS Marines on beach. MS Marines dig in (2). GV Marines approach camera. LS pan aircraft flies over (2). LS buildings. LS people leave beach. MS same and Marines. MS people talk to Marines. MS marine with boy. CU same and two boys. GV people leave beach. Same and Marines in line. MS people leaving beach (2). MS people look at tank. MS tanks along road (3). CU tank. Elevated shot man on tank. Same man looks into glasses. MS tanks passes camera. BS same (2). MS tank approaches camera. LS people watch being building. MS tank approaches camera. LS building. CU Hussein. MS Hussein shakes hands. MS Soldiers run to greet him. MS Hussein on soldiers shoulders. Same. GV Houses of Parliament (2). MS soldiers leave plane. CU same. MS crowd of soldiers (3). CU badge. CU soldiers. US 6th FLEET LANDS MARINES IN LEBANON - CARD 74417 Shots of some of the craft out at sea - various beach scenes showing some of the American troops digging in. Various shots of landing craft and vehicles along the roads etc.
Royalty; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Ships and boats; Vehicles; Children; Environment; Weapons; Aviation; Foreign relations; Death; Horses; Industry and manufacture; Ceremonies; Foreign aid; War damage; Navy; Crime; Animals; Military; Assassinations
Footage sources
Card file number
Geoffrey Sumner
Length of story (in feet)
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