Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: China - What of Her Future?


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
27 Jan 1949
Date submitted
27 Jan 1949
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: A New Profession Baby Sitting
  2. 2Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: Bomb Trouble Removed
  3. 3Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: President Truman’s Installation
  4. 4Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: China - What of Her Future?
  5. 5Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin: Trailer: Stagger Holidays


Story No. within this Issue
4 / 5
Section Title
Movietone’s News - Reported by Lionel Gamlin
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: China - What of Her Future?. DESCRIPTION: Library material, the Great Wall of China, Followed by everyday life in China, war, year in year out; people leaving their home towns, ruins of cities. Chiang Kai Shek with his wife, also a close up of Mao Tse-Tung the Communist leader. SHOTLIST: KS Aerial - Great Wall of China. Aerial of Wall of China, over the very mountainous country. Aerial of Peking (Peiping), also shows pagodas & places of worship. Ground shot horses & traps waiting to be hired. Camel convoy passes through street. Market place scene - person selling material. LS mountains of China. Nationalist troops along barricade firing at enemy. Chinese refugees through streets. Wrecked & burning buildings. Refugees fleeing through streets. Japanese (Sino/Japanese war) naval detachment advance along street, their officer leads waving Jap flag. Refugees fleeing, out of control, police endeavour to keep them under control. Nationalist troops on the march. CU China’s flag. CU Chiang Kai Shek. MS ditto & his wife. The two walk out of camera & mount staircase. CU map of Asia, shows Russia & China. SCU Mao Tse-Tung. Communist leader.
Footage sources
Card file number
Lionel James Gamlin
Length of story (in feet)
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