Leslie Mitchell Conducts the News Pageant of Movietone: The Royal Tour of Canada


Series Name
British Movietone News


Issue No.
Date Released
12 Jun 1939
Date submitted
9 Jun 1939
Stories in this Issue:
  1. 1Leslie Mitchell Conducts the News Pageant of Movietone: The Royal Tour of Canada
  2. 2Leslie Mitchell Conducts the News Pageant of Movietone: Trooping the Colour


Story No. within this Issue
1 / 2
Section Title
Leslie Mitchell Conducts the News Pageant of Movietone
MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: Royal Tour of Canada - Vancouver Etc. DESCRIPTION: The King and Queen in Western Canada where they visit the Red Indians and view the wonderful scenery of the Rocky Mountains. In Vancouver they find loyal Canadians from many lands, including Italians and Japanese. SHOTLIST: GV Procession. MS Red Indians. GV King & Queen from car. LS crowd in front of Teepees. CU Red Indian ‘Duck Chief’. GV Red Indians & their children. CU Chief ‘Shot on Both Sides’. GV K&Q meet Indians. 3 GVs of Rocky Mountains. LS K&Q on balcony of Banff Hotel. MS King, Queen & Mr Mackenzie King (x2). GV press in front of K&Q. MS King, Queen & Mackenzie King walks towards & out of frame. GV Canadian National Building in Vancouver. GV banner "The Italian Veterans Welcome King & Queen". MS Sign Japanese Canadians Welcome. GV K&Q in car. MS Japanese in costume lining route. MS K&Q. CU Japanese children. MS Mace Bearer followed by Queen then King. GV Statue of George Vancouver as K&Q into car. LS "Empress of Britain". MS Crew lines deck of Canadian Destroyer. GV Canadian Destroyer. LAS K&Q on bridge. LS Destroyer. GV Crowd in street of Victoria, Vancouver Island. GV K&Q walk through crowd. K&Q go into luncheon with Mr & Mrs Patullo, Premier of Vancouver Island. King presents new Colours to the Navy.
Royalty; War veterans; Politics and government; Buildings and structures; Mass media; Ships and boats; Environment; Ceremonies; Navy; Military; Awards and honours
Footage sources
United States of America
Card file number
Leslie Mitchell
Length of story (in feet)
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