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  1. Alger Hiss Story (inactive) Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, History, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, Streaming/Download, Update

    Informative and well laid out site on Alger Hiss, the US State Department official convicted in 1950 of perjury following accusations by Whittaker Chambers that he was a secret communist. The site brings together the historical background, the arguments and evidence in favour of and against Hiss (including recent material from Russian files), and includes audio files of interviews with Hiss and others, and video clips of American newsreel coverage of the story. Uses Real Player. This site is no longer active, but the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine offers a capture of the website as it appeared on 08/06/2011. This does not include access to the moving images.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image
  2. Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Ethnology, Music
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, Streaming/Download, Update

    Part of the Library of Congress’s American Memory site, this ‘multiformat ethnographic field collection’ documents a three-month trip through the southern United States by folklorist John Lomax and wife Ruby. The site features 700 sound recordings, field-notes, dust-jackets and other manuscripts, with musical styles represented including blues, ballads, cowboy songs, field hollers, spirituals and work songs. The audio files are available in MP3, RealAudio and Wav formats; a separate listing gives textual transcriptions, and there is a photographic gallery.

    Other Other Online Online Audio Audio
  3. American Presidents: Life Portraits Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, History, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Information Sources, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download, Video Sources

    In 1999 the American cable companies’ non-profit political channel C-Span produced profiles of all of the American presidents. The accompanying website serves as a ‘video archive’ of the project, containing the complete programming as streamed video (using Real), listed complete or by president, with accompanying biographical facts, reference materials and teachers’ guides. The type of programing varies with each president, and includes biographical sketches, debates, interviews, live events, tours of memorial libraries etc., a few of which can be purchased on video.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image
  4. Video History Project Streaming

    Arts and Humanities
    American Studies, Art, History, Media Studies
    Type of resource
    Information Sources

    The Video History Project aims to identify, locate, and make accessible media history resources, for example tapes, writings, interviews, biographies and ephemera etc, to increase public awareness of the media. It documents video art and community television as it evolved in rural and urban New York State, and across the US.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  5. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Film Studies, History, Politics and Government
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Databases, Footage Sources, Information Sources

    NARA an independent Federal agency that oversees the management of all Federal records in the United States. These include official film records such as wartime news and documentary films, and the March of Time news cinemagazine. The catalogue entries are exemplary.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  6. Newsfilm Library at the University of South Carolina Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Current Affairs, Film Studies, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Databases, Footage Sources, Streaming/Download

    The core gift that established the University of South Carolina’s Newsfilm Archive in 1980 was the Fox Movietone News collection comprising more than 2000 hours of edited stories, complete newsreels, and associated outtakes from the silent Fox News and sound Fox Movietone News Library. This unique film material dates from 1919-1934 and from 1942-1944. It is supplemented by paper records, some of which may be examined online. A comprehensive index to this collection is available through the reference catalog. Other news collections from local television stations are being processed and added to the catalogue. A small number of samples from the collections are streamed for online viewing.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image
  7. Thomas A. Edison Papers Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology
    American Studies, Film Studies, History, Media Studies, Music
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Information Sources

    Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is progressively making the papers of Thomas Edison available, in microfilm and book form, and online. The online version gives researchers access to Edison’s papers 1850-1898, which includes the period when he was working on the development of motion pictures. The texts are for the specialist, and the searching system is a little complex, but the results are superb. The identifications and indexing are admirably thorough, and eventually one has access to images of the original documents. Precisely the sort of site to demonstrate what the Internet is for.

    Other Other Record only Record only
  8. Newseum Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Current Affairs, History, Photography, Politics and Government, Radio Studies
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Streaming/Download

    Web version of the American museum based in Virginia which offers an interactive look at the news in its Cybermuseum section, offering essays, photo and streamed images (via QuickTime) on such diverse topics as the Holocaust, the American Presidential elections and the 1969 moon landing. The presentation is agreeably straight forward and the content is aimed chiefly at pre-adults.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image Audio Audio
  9. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Streaming

    Social Sciences
    American Studies, Current Affairs, Politics and Government
    Film/Video, Radio/Sound
    Type of resource
    Archives/Museums, Information Sources, Streaming/Download

    America’s Council on Foreign Relations is an organisation ‘dedicated to increasing America’s understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policy’. The Publications section of the website has a ‘Multimedia’ heading which includes video-based ‘interactives’ on topics such as the crises in Iran and Pakistan, preventable diseases, climate change and the global economy; there are also audio podcasts and streamed video clips on foreign policy and national security topics featuring interviews with CFR fellows and other experts explaining their most recent work and the issues of the day. The ‘CFR Events’ heading includes an archive of full-length audio recordings of on-the-record CFR meetings, as well as brief highlight videos for select meetings.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image Audio Audio
  10. Television News Archive Vanderbilt University Streaming

    Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
    American Studies, Current Affairs, History, Media Studies, Politics and Government
    Type of resource
    Databases, Streaming/Download, Video Sources

    Outstanding collection of American broadcast news, from 1968 to the present day. The database supports a collection of more that 30,000 individual network evening news broadcasts and more than 9,000 hours of special news-related programming, all of which are available as video loans. Searches can be narrowed down by year as give a basic, official description of each story within the news broadcast. Subscribing instituions also have access to online video streams from the Archive’s collection of CNN material.

    Other Other Online Online Moving image Moving image
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