- Link
- http://pavementpodcast.com
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
An entertaining look at old and newer science fiction films, which are based on written works. Discussions focus on the source material as much as on the actual films themselves. The website includes a very useful section- Podcast Queue- which lists the books and films being considered for an episode as well as titles already dealt with. There is also an Archive organised chronologically by year, and links to related resources. Recent episodes include Netflix’s Love, Death and Robots (2019), The Wandering Earth (2019), The Seventh Victim (1943) and Millennium (1989).
- Link
- https://www.bbc.com/historyofthebbc/100-voices
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Media Studies, Radio Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
Part of Connected Histories of the BBC, 100 Voices reveals the inside story of the BBC and its relationship with the wider world since its inception in 1922. The project, led by the University of Sussex, aims to make accessible the vast collection of interviews the BBC has conducted over the years with its own staff: from senior managers to popular on-screen personalities, pioneering editors of political programmes and influential producers. Material available so far has been curated into several themes including Pioneering Women, People, Nation, Empire, Radio Reinvented, The Birth of TV, Elections and BBC Memories.
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- Link
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p004t1hd
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- History
- Medium
- Film/Video, Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
A BBC World Service series in which people who lived through moments of history bring a personal perspective to world events. The content is organised into four categories. Episodes available now: this includes over 2,400 programmes of ten minutes each; Podcasts: here the programmes are grouped into Archives which date back to 2010; Collections, which are organised thematically and currently include Iranian History; Black History; African History; Women in History; Soviet History; World War One and Two; Scientific History, Animals Who Made History; Indian History; Cuban History and the Vietnam War; Films, which contains over 250-four-minute clips. The content is truly extraordinary. Some treasures include: South Africa’s first free elections, How organic farming started, the Jamaican Slave rebellion of 1831, The First Digitally-Animated Feature Film, Gays and Lesbians and the British Miners’ Strike, The First Heart Transplant and The First Alzheimer’s Patient.
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- Link
- https://soundcloud.com/nofilmschool
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Film Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
A collection of interviews produced by the online magazine No Film School. The strength of these podcasts comes from their ability to take on some of the biggest names in independent film and balance them out with interviews with people who are just starting to get their work out. Episodes take the form of ‘How to’ and cover a wide range of subjects, from How to Become Your Actor’s Dream Director (Mike Leigh), How to Make a Short Film for only $4.50, How to Shoot a Surrealist Film (Yorgos Lanthimos), How to Make a Masterpiece of Your Mistakes (Daniel Schmidt and Gabriel Abrantes), How to Move from Producer to Director (Cristina Gallego), to How to become a Top Notch Sound Designer.
- Link
- http://berthafoundation.org/storytellers/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Current Affairs, Development Studies, Economics, Education, Environmental Studies, Law, Social Studies
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Funding, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
Bertha Foundation is devoted to promoting social justice by supporting collaborations between activists, storytellers and lawyers. It offers four film funds: the Bertha Film Fund, which gives grants for the creation of social impact documentary content; the IDFA Bertha Fund, which supports documentary filmmakers and festivals in developing countries; the Bertha Doc Society Journalism Fund, which is dedicated to supporting long feature documentaries of a journalistic nature, and The Guardian Berth Documentary Partnership which is currently commissioning a series of 12 short documentary films from independent filmmakers. The site also offers trailers of all the Bertha completed films via their Film Directory section.
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- Link
- http://bbcsfx.acropolis.org.uk/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities
- Subject
- Media Studies, Radio Studies
- Medium
- Radio/Sound
- Type of resource
- Lists, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
This impressive collection of over 16,000 sound effects is now available to listen, download and use for personal, educational or research purposes. The content is organised by description, category and duration and can be searched by keyword. For example, entering ‘telephones’ returns 121 entries, including American telephones, the Bakelite 200 series from 1930 onwards, mobile phones, answering machines and many more; under the keyword ‘trains’ we can find over 250 sound effects including steam, electric, diesel and high speed trains, Eurostar, train tunnels, train stations, train bridges, etc.
- Link
- https://futurism.com/
- Category
- Bio-Medical, Science and Technology
- Subject
- Chemistry, Computing, Dentistry, Engineering, General Science, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Medicine, Physics, Psychiatry, Sports Science, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Producers/Broadcasters, Web Links
A digital media company that reports on the latest ground-breaking discoveries in the fields of science and technology. The content is presented as News, Infographics or Videos, and the themes covered include: Advance Transport (Flying Cars, The Hyperloop, Space Planes, Self-Driving Vehicles, Jetpacks, High-Speed Rail), Hard Science (Astrophysics, Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Quantum Mechanics, Polymer Chemistry, Computational Theory), Artificial Intelligence (Singularity, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Turing Tests, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision), Earth & Energy (Nuclear Fusion, Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Floating Wind Farms, Electric Cars, Climate Change, Cloud Seeding, Environmental Engineering), Enhanced Humans (Biohacking, CRISPR, NeuroTech, Humanity+, Brain-Controlled Prosthetics, MedTech, Bionics, Augmentation, 3D Printed Organs), Future Society (Universal Basic Income, Workforce Automation, Lab-Grown Meat, Blockchain, Bitcoin, SmartCities, Future Careers, Political Policy), Health & Medicine (Antibiotic Resistance, Vaccines, Lifesaving Clinical Trials and Treatments, New Disease), Off World (SpaceX, Orbital, NASA, International Space Station, Mars Colonization, Micro-Satellites, Fermi Paradox, Interstellar Travel), Robots & Machines (Supercomputers, Drones, 3D Printers, Transformative Gadgets, Humanoid Robots, Quantum Computing), Sci-Fi Visions (Time Travel, Wormholes, Alternate Universes, The Simulation Hypothesis, Moonshots, Artistic Visions of the Future) and Virtuality (Holograms, Augmented Reality, VR Gaming, Sensory Suits, 360-Degree Videos, Digital Simulations).
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- Link
- https://www.pbs.org/show/pbs-space-time/
- Category
- Science and Technology
- Subject
- Astronomy, Physics
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Producers/Broadcasters
A web series hosted by astrophysics professor Matthew O’Dowd which explores abstract concepts in physics and astronomy using a light touch approach. Each episode runs between six and 15 minutes and can be accessed via the Space Time YouTube channel. In Zero-Point Energy Demystified, for example, O’Dowd explains what this type of energy can and can’t do; in Understanding the Uncertainty Principle with Quantum Fourier he describes how "intuitive, large-scale phenomena can give us incredible insights into the extremely unintuitive world of quantum mechanics”.
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- Link
- https://theconversation.com/uk
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Bio-Medical, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Current Affairs, Economics, Education, Medicine, Nature, Politics and Government, Sports Science, Technology
- Type of resource
- Podcasting, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
An independent news website sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. The Conversation launched in Australia in March 2011 and in the UK in May 2013. It is a not for profit educational entity, funded by universities, that aims to rebuild trust in journalism by providing independent, high quality and authenticated information. The articles, written by academics and researchers with some help from professional journalists, are organised by subject areas like in any online version of a broadsheet newspaper: Arts & Culture, Business & Economy, Education, Environment & Energy, Science & Technology, etc. Interestingly, each article displays a disclosure statement indicating the author’s funding and any potential conflict of interest. The Fact Check UK section includes the statement being checked (e.g. ‘Is freezing eggs really ‘extremely unsuccessful’?), the link to its original source, a Verdict and a Review by an academic who gives his/her opinion on whether and why the author of the statement is right or wrong.
- Link
- http://www.open.ac.uk/library/digital-archive/
- Category
- Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Social Sciences
- Subject
- Drama, Education, General Science, Politics and Government, Social Studies, Technology
- Medium
- Film/Video
- Type of resource
- Organisations, Producers/Broadcasters, Streaming/Download
This site provides online access to a selection of the Open University’s materials - images and text-based items as well as audio and videos - as well as functioning as a record and an archive of the OU’s collections. Publicly available collections currently include over 160 images from the Historical Archives Collection, over 100 videos of OU events, such as degree ceremonies and other programmes about the OU, dating back to 1971. OU’s programmes are represented by a series of clips from courses which include science, technology and the arts. A number of online exhibitions have also been created to contextualise some of the material. These include: ‘Shakespeare at the OU’, ‘Harold Wilson and the OU’ and ‘The OU Story’.
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