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A memoir of Chopi life before and after the civil war and drought in Mozambique, juxtaposing scenes of Zantzinger’s visit in 1973 with what was left of the Chopi way of life 20 years later, as many Chopi...
An interview with Dr Albert Bandura in two parts: 1) he reviews the influences on his theoretical and research development and discusses cognitive and social behaviour modification, social learning,...
Dr Viktor Frankl, founder of a method of psychological treatment called logotherapy, compares his theories with those of Freud, Jung, Adler, Lorenz and Skinner. He discusses logotherapy, meaning, humanism...
An overview of research and theory on human communication on a non-verbal level, through gesture, body posture, intonation, eye contact and facial expression. Interviews Edward Hall on interpersonal...
Dr B F Skinner and a group of social scientists discuss the history, theory, ethics and applications of behaviourism and demonstrate theory and practice in various settings - educational marital counselling...
Introduces social psychology by looking at the subject matter, its methods of investigation and its findings. Covers affiliation, attribution theory, cognitive dissonance, conformity, and aggression....
A street’s eye view of the impact of city life on an individual: demonstrates the anonymity, aloofness and indifference of city life by examining city dwellers’ perceptions of their city and their...
Re-creates Dr Stanley Milgram’s classic obedience experiment in which one participant is required to adminster what he believes to be high-voltage electric shocks to the other. Dr David Rosenhan examines...
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