Spirit Here Today, A
- Synopsis
- A memoir of Chopi life before and after the civil war and drought in Mozambique, juxtaposing scenes of Zantzinger’s visit in 1973 with what was left of the Chopi way of life 20 years later, as many Chopi were killed or forced to live in refugee camps. Includes Chopi xylophone music and dance performances: through dance and song the Chopis’ sarcastic sense of humour illuminates their sense of pride and hope despite the suffering and poverty they have endured.
- Language
- English
- Country
- United States
- Medium
- Video; Videocassette. VHS. col. 44 min.
- Year of production
- 1994
- Availability
- Sale; 1996 sale: US$160.00 (+p&p)
- Subjects
- Anthropology
- Keywords
- Africa; Chopi; ethnomusicology; Mozambique
- Director
- Gei Zantzinger
- Producer
- Gei Zantzinger
- Name
Pennsylvania State University, Media Sales
- MediaSales@cde.psu.edu
- Web
- http://www.libraries.psu.edu/mtss External site opens in new window
- Phone
- +1 814 863 3102
- Fax
- +1 814 865 3172
- Address
- 820 University Drive, Suite D
University Park
PA 16802-1003
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 222 times.