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A series of three videos produced to assist with practical demonstrations undertaken in brickwork training. The videos will ensure each trainee has a clear view and understanding of the procedure to be...
A series of three videos combining graphics and on-site filming to offer practical advice on timber frame construction of houses.
A series of 8 programmes combining graphics and on-site filming to offer advice on everyday techniques.
Aimed at all healthcare professionals working with those who have been recently diagnosed as suffering from either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The programme is specifically devised to assist in...
A series of three videos designed to achieve high standards of technical knowledge and health and safety awareness. Aimed at National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) providers, trainees and their managers,...
Focuses on the wide variety of abilities and needs of people with autistic spectrum disorders and highlights the need for different services and support to enable people to reach their full potential. There...
Veterinary surgeons Stephen Divers and Martin Lawton demonstrate the standard anaesthetic and coeliotomy approach to orchidectomy and ovariectomy in lizards using the green iguana as a model. Surgical...
The technique of getting a baby latched on is a basic skill of breastfeeding. The ease with which a woman can do this is affected in turn by her feelings about her body, her baby and those who are trying to...
A video on child bereavement, highlighting the parents’ need for clear communication and information about their baby’s death, post-mortem and organ donation. Considers the needs of a couple whose baby...
How professionals respond and communicate when parents are faced with decisions regarding foetal abnormality in a pregnancy. A couple speak about their experience. They share what they needed from the...
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