Safety in the Commercial Kitchen
- Synopsis
- Suitable for food technology and catering students, this programme highlights the potential hazards in commercial kitchens and explains how they can be avoided. It deals with:
Heat - dealing safely with hot water/steam, hot oil or fat, electrical and gas hazards; important to know where fire extinguisher/blanket are kept and how to use them for specific types of fire.
Equipment - know correct ways of using different types of equipment and safety procedures to follow if an accident should occur; using electrical equipment safely; using a blowtorch for crème brûlées and a mandolin for cutting vegetables; using, cleaning and storing knives safely.
Hygiene and food contamination - store food at correct temperatures (below 5ºC or above 60ºC); keep food preparation surfaces and equipment clear of contamination; maintain personal hygiene (covering hair, cutting nails, clean uniforms, not working if ill).
Safety in the kitchen - be aware of the space and people around you and safe working strategies; wear appropriate clothing (strong shoes to protect feet, protective jacket, etc.); use safe handling manual skills; be aware of evacuation procedures and location of safety devices and how to use them. - Language
- English
- Country
- Australia
- Year of release
- 2008
- Year of production
- 2008
- Subjects
- Health & safety; Catering
- Keywords
- catering industry; food hygiene; occupational health; vocational training
Distribution Formats
- Type
- Format
- Region 2 PAL
- Price
- £35.00
- Availability
- Sale
- Duration/Size
- 25 minutes
- Year
- 2008
Production Company
- Name
Video Education Australasia
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Notes
- Acquired by ClickView.
- Name
Boulton-Hawker Films Ltd
- Web
- External site opens in new window
- Phone
- 01449 616 200
- Fax
- 01449 677 600
- Address
- Combs Tannery
IP14 2EN - Notes
- Distributor of over 400 DVDs and videos for use in teaching at GCSE level and above. Particularly strong in science-based subjects which the company used to produce themselves, but now sources from the USA, Canada and Australasia. Titles cover the subject areas of biology, business studies, careers, chemistry, child development & the family, citizenship, design & technology/food technology, English, geography/ecology, home economics, ICT, maths, media studies, PE/sport studies, physics and PSHE. Sale with free preview.
Record Stats
This record has been viewed 849 times.