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  1. Margaret Thatcher on lack of information on Chernobyl (1986)


    UK Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher on the Chernobyl disaster in the Soviet Union. She compares the USSR with the USA, which immediately disclosed information following the Challenger space shuttle...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  2. Sts-59: Mission Highlights (1994 Video)

    Space science
    Sale, Videocassette. VHS. col. 59 min., 1995 sale: £15.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    Space shuttle mission STS-59, and it experiment SRL-1, the first flight of the Space Radar Laboratory. To study the earth’s surface with this instrument package, ‘Endeavour’ was required to make more...

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  3. Messages from Apollo 8 (1987)


    Archive clip of Bill Anders speaking from the Apollo 8 space shuttle describing their view of the Earth; astronaut James Lovell on the view of the Moon; astronaut also quotes from Genesis in the Bible and...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  4. Mysteries of Space (2008)

    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL, 158 minutes), £19.99

    A two-volume collection of vintage US documentaries on the origins of the universe and space exploration, featuring distinguished scientists and guest narrators. Films comprise: Disc 1 A View of the Sky -...

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  5. Into Orbit (1991 Video)

    Ken Wrench
    Ken Wrench
    Engineering; Physics
    Sale, Video master: 1 C format Videocassette. VHS. col. 26 min.

    Shows: the contrasts between scientific fact and the predictions of science fiction. Features of the earth and its atmosphere. Circular orbits and escape conditions. Rocket technology: specific impulse,...

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  6. HMS Bulwark to the Rescue

    Date released
    22 Sep 1958
    Series name
    British Movietone News
    Issue no
    NoS ID
    Story no
    6 / 6

    MOVIETONE CARD TITLE: HMS Bulwark to the Rescue. DESCRIPTION: The British Aircraft Carrier Bulwark went to the rescue of tanker crews in distress in the Gulf of Oman. Her helicopters had a leading part to...

    News on Screen News on Screen Cinema news Cinema news Online Online Moving image Moving image
  7. Health and Safety DVD Collection (2010)

    Environmental science; Health & safety
    Sale, DVD (Region 2 PAL), £999.00

    A collection of ten health and safety films. 1. TAKING LIBERTIES: A FATAL ERROR. In 1989 a British Midland plane crashed into the embankment of the M1 near Kegworth in Leicestershire with the loss of 47...

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  8. Challenger astronauts’ memorial service (1986)

    News report; Speech

    US President Ronald Reagan gives a eulogy at a memorial service (held in the grounds of the Johnson Space Center in Houston) for the seven astronauts killed in the Challenger space shuttle disaster...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  9. Oscar awards (1992)

    Speech; Interview; Special

    A series of clips from the Oscar awards ceremony in Hollywood. The crew of the space shuttle Atlantis send a message to producer George Lucas on his winning a special award for his service to the film...

    LBC IRN LBC IRN Radio Radio Online Online Audio Audio
  10. Hubble Vision (1994 Video)

    Alec Nisbett
    Astronomy; Technology
    Sale, Videocassette. Standard formats. col. 50 min., 2000 sale: £99.00 (+VAT +p&p)

    On 13 December 1993, the space shuttle Endeavour returned to earth with the team of astronauts whose mission was to repair the Hubble space telescope. Had their mission failed, it could have broken both the...

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