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Interview with Jack Jones, TGWU, (at the TUC Conference?) on support for the Labour Government flat rate incomes policy. Male interviewer not identified.
Jack Jones, TUC, talks to Jon Snow about import controls.
Jack Jones, the trade union leader, states the unions will initiate proposals which will keep Britain going through the economic crisis, although a delay in the return to collective bargaining would not be...
Speech by Jack Jones, TGWU trade union leader (venue unidentified) defending a £6 a week pay deal in the current economic recession and setting out the priorities for trade unions including decreasing...
Debate about pensioners’ issues at the TUC conference: Jack Jones, transport workers’ leader, on pension increases being too little, too late; Harry Mitchell of the NUM, on the annual TV licence; Norman...
Brian Hayes interviews Jack Jones, TUC, about the unions’ acceptance of the government’s proposed pay policy and a return to normal collective bargaining.
Interview with Jack Jones, Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU), about the need for a return to free collective bargaining. Female interviewer not identified (poss. Jill Lourie).
Interview with Jack Jones, Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU), about the union policy on inflation involving a price freeze. Male interviewer not identified (poss. Paul Woodley). Recording is...
Interview with Jack Jones, union leader on the importance of leisure following a conference on the theme. He looks at the need to provide people with enough income to enjoy their spare time, the need for...
Interview with Jack Jones, TUC, on unemployment in the building industry, cuts in public expenditure that contributed to it and possible solutions. And on pay policy negotiations. Interviewer not identified.
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